Saturday, October 2, 2010

The Six Classes of Beings

The Six Classes of Beings

Aging man grumbles and snaps in murderous rebellion as his moment is snatched away.
The illusory self is crisp and clear in his folly of habit. The Gates of Hell fly open. Keep this up and you may fall in.

Decrepit old man sees shapely young woman and desire swells his mind. But what was
once a mind of possibilities is now a ludicrous shadow, the mind of a gasping ghost.
Nowadays, it is only the mind that swells as the body has long since softened.

Young man with no one watching, not even his own foresight and hindsight. He greedily
gobbles the world in gluttonous defiance not even considering that he is building what’s
to come. Confined to his own self-interests he sees not the opportunities passing by.

With great luck and ripening the man catches a glimpse of reality. Now a path appears.
Laziness, distraction, and indifference lurk about as obstacles. Time and uncertainty
beckon. Ball and chain remains to be whittled down. Happy work is rewarded.

How nice is the world of the elegant. Is it fair? War is a symptom of the haves and the
have-nots. Who would endure death and torture for a chance at elegance? See deeper
oh disgruntled one. Air for the lungs and food for the belly, this is the nectar of the elegant. Enjoy whatever is offered.

Prime of life.  Man of distinction. The world is your oyster. Others suffer while you
enjoy your sustained bliss. Time is erasing your good fortune. Act now to consider
those less fortunate. We need you and you may one day need us.

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