Sunday, October 3, 2010

Beware of the Business and Disengage from the Transaction

Beware of the Business and Disengage from the Transaction

Give and take. Have it. It and You together at last.
Pay homage to the business or be turned away.
Feed the vampire exorbitant fee for your fix of possibility.
Where is the Circle? Perhaps somewhere beyond the
  counter and stage. Awkward temple fees.
At the mercy of the gatekeepers’ discretion.
Under security’s watchful eye.
Activities well-planned and cute. Facilitators.
You get what you pay for or don’t you get it?
Business and Pleasure don’t mix they say.
Ah but haggle is play.
Distrust arises in the proprietors.
Greedy priests unawares, bent by the training of our land.
Free is shunned unless a popular show.
The grace of a thief. The skill of a revealer.
Take what is offered. Come when asked.
This is part of the awakening hero’s duty.
Seclusion is the crucible for a while
  then the whole world is the crucible.
Then Elixir.
Taking and Sending is simply what we do.
Us and Them and Delusion and Wisdom
Transaction is an illusion of conventional reality.
Giver is Receiver is Giving
Undifferentiated Suchness.

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