Beware of the Show and Disengage from the Experience
Welcome to the Show. Hail to the quality of the Experience
Savor the Moment. Fetish-ize the completed act.
Atta-boy addicts not knowing how to equalize emotions
Atta-boy givers afraid to stop the madness of hope.
Most strong emotions are imbalances. Dangerous moments.
Foolishness creeps in like water uncontained by the cup -
Chores left undone and desire for the Experience looms heavy
Venues arise to sell you the Show.
Experts explain the meaning of the Show and the profundity of
the Experience.
Credentials are flashed and money changes hands.
Pockets are padded and insincere greetings offered.
Shiny things draw attention. And human seekers.
Meanwhile real gems gather dust as their keepers drift away
caught up in the glamour of possibility.
A blast is instantaneous. One can only have one for an instant.
Bliss as a selfish distraction. Clarity as an obsession of purity.
Non-Thought as an inconsiderate care-free nap.
These inevitable Experiences lay traps for renunciates.
And you and me. Responsibility is vast and profound.
Pathetic beings need you. And you them.
In the mirror is greed, fear, and indifference clouding it as it is.
The Show prevents intimacy. The transfer of energy is
predetermined and unspontaneous.
Soft risk and delicate invitation. Naked offering.
Scheme and conspire to end woe alike for friend or foe.
Better to feed a bug than savor an experience.
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