Saturday, October 2, 2010



Homage to the Victorious Ones!
May good fortune adorn us and those we endeavor to protect.
May our mindfulness not waver. May we be undistracted.
May the five hindrances not visit us and when they do,
   may we dissolve them with the fire of awareness.
May the lure of sensual desire not persuade us to relax our guard.
May the energy of ill-will not rip us from our task.
May the subtle saturation of doubt not convince us to quit returning.
May the habit of mental dullness and torpor not overtake us.
May the tangled mass of restlessness and agitation not steal our attention.
May the three poisons not visit us and when they do,
   may we not come under their influence. May the aspiration
   to benefit beings remain foremost in the mind.
May the mind of attachment depart quickly.
May the mind of hatred depart quickly.
May the mind of ignorance depart quickly.
May we rest in unadorned awareness, abiding in the
   Spontaneous Bodhi Mind.

On the practical mundane level – may we know what to do.
May we see what is best for beings. May we truly help them.
May our good-intentioned dabbling not harm them.
May we give the gift of fearlessness to beings.
May we not be lazy and ill-prepared.
May our attention be focused on our task.
May we be mindful of the dangers, near and far.
May we not get lost in the future or past.
May we take care in our dealings with others.
May we not rush our duties.
May we foresee difficulties.
May we notice the hazards that dangle before beings.
May we not fail in our vigilance.
May we not over-book our responsibility.
May we not try to protect beyond our means.
We who come and go are delicate and fleeting.
Great Beings, please grant us the Wisdom
   to know how to protect beings.
May we apply the Skillful Methods to realize
   Awakening for us and all.

(to mark several occasions now, one due to lack of alertness, others due to laziness
where I have failed fellow beings and thereby caused them to suffer - may it not
happen again - it is pain that I had the means to prevent - may I serve them well
in the future)

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