Saturday, October 2, 2010

Chained To Schemes

Chained to Schemes

Mother tends her Children   and Wonders what will become of them
A memory beyond poison calls me      A memory of tomorrow

An empty canvas stone awaits to be fashioned
The fresh and fragrant minds of grandchildren buzz around it

Aye take my hand    Let us leap into this abyss together
A secret force to be reckoned with

Will these seeds take root?   Will this fire grow strong?
Will they learn how to keep the hearth?

It’s a stagnant world of habit patterns the fire to burn away
Each sib and smile is a mirror to focus the fire sun
Not here to mistake mere hope for kindness
Not here to get caught up in frivolous convention
Not here for monsters and explosions

The mystery of you and you and me and tomorrow’s new mind
A strange marriage awaits with all the glory and gore.

Beyond thrill and deal is the soft tear of the raw and the naked
Your offerings make me smile my clanlings
Can we raise the Cone, Call down the Lightning Bolt, and Awaken the Serpent?
Can we glow among the stars and bathe in Celestial Dew?
Can we journey beyond the confines of the latest common world?
Can we move and work the world chi and the clan chi?

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