Advice to Us
Painful words reveal what friendly words conceal
- that is if you are not watching for self worship.
All enemies are friends. See it this way and there
are no foes or needs of retaliation.
Anger arises quickly. To catch it is like capturing
lightning to prevent the thunder.
One follows the other in our deluded minds.
Call the spirits to haunt you and you can practice
reacting to turmoil. Feed them impartially.
Their ungratefulness is also a gift to you.
The 37 deeds of heroes are ever accessible.
Tough love is still love but risk is ever-present.
Choices are not always clear and sometimes wrong.
In your spare time aspire to see clearly the way
- to turn at the next crossroad.
Selfish acts are like poison that distracts concentration
and clouds the mind. I know this from experience.
Desires haunt me. Fears and discomforts haunt me.
Avoiding tough but necessary roads haunts me.
To balance spontaneity and plan is to be ready.
Ready to know what to do, to do what needs to be
done when hardship arises.
Offer fearlessness, offer effort, offer perseverance.
Failure is the worst reason to give up unless there
Failure is the worst reason to give up unless there
is a better way to succeed.
Do wholeheartedly what you can and be not restless.
Aspire every minute to increase your capacities.
Rest in gentle comfort when you can and even
when you can’t.
Let contrivance be a precursor to authenticity.
Practice with little pains and big ones will follow.
This is just what I am telling myself as if it will help.
This is a magickal rite as much as all acts.
The circle is always cast. The energy is always raised.
The mundane is always divine.
This is the way of the loom. Tantra.
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