Pretenders to the Crown
Rights. Access. Royal Blood. Ancestral Pride. The Heirophant.
Pecking Order. Caste.
Silly Notions All.
Babalon - Whore of New Wisdom Fire - destroys all traditions
The seeker of wisdom is heir
The partaker of ordeals is heir
The detached game-player is heir
Consumers of rewards and those with purpose
mere feigners are they - pretenders to the crowns.
From the same human we come
From the same elements we are made
In the same mind-stream we wander
Sameness and Difference taking turns
Clarity and Muddlety trading moments
Beyond Numbers is the Mind Unfettered
Name and Form sparkle in Becoming
How Unbecoming is the recognition of Innate Awareness
With it or Without it
There and Beyond There Indistinguishable
These Words Just Take Up Space
Ungraspable Mind
God and Devil of the Same Nature
Heaven and Hell in the Same Place
Eternity and an Instant at the Same Time
Wisdom and Delusion dance for Immediacy
Intention and Habit compete for Manifestation
First the Habit of Meritorious Energy
Then the Dissolution of the Illusion of Merit
Then the Substance is Transformed
Alchemy - Lead into Gold
For a Time Reversible
Then Irreversible Wisdom Mind Shines like the Sun
This is Spoken by the Voice of Concept -
Chief Pretender to the Crown
That is What They Say
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