Sunday, October 3, 2010

Ode To The Tending


That left untended so soon withers and dies
Our life all pretended as soon bothers and lies

The fire warms us but so too do those who tend it
The wool adorns us but so too do those who mend it
The energy heals us but so too so those who send it

Stir the Pot   Soften the Gaze   Feed the Beast   and Turn the Wheel
Throw In and Grow the Future

Tend the Body   Tend the Mind   Tend the Earth
Tend Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
Do Your Duty   Shake Your Booty
Find Your Niche   and Unleash the Bitch
Send kind and wise words to the Center

Tend the Song   Tend the Chorus
Tend the Tree and Tend the Forest
Tend the Method of Tending
And Tend too to the Tender

Tend the Sadhana   Tend the Love Mind
Tend the Family, the Clan, the Tribe, the Town, the Neighbor, the Lodge,
   the beloved, the neutral, and the hated
Tend the Breath lest it blow along untended

Tweak and Cushion and Shimmy and Guard
Smooth and Feather and Guide and Ward
Know what Arises   Know what Abides   and Know what Falls Away
A tender intending should be tender and raw with all that comes by
So Tend Appearance

Tend to all that Rides on the Wind of the Moment
A Sentry ever on Watch
Tend too to the Watcher
Tend the Pleasure and Tend the Pain
Tend to the Method and So Remain
Know Without and Know Within
Know the Coming and Know the Going
Abide in the Wisdom Unknowing
Know This Way and That   Profound and Vast
   so Cast the Red Net of Understanding
Offer Dust to the Wind

Know the Cycles   Read the Signs   Be Aware of What Aligns
Rememberememberemember   over and over
And also remember the Changing Mind that Remembers

Tend the Deadline and the Life Unbounded
Tend The Circle and the Temple Unfounded
Blend in With the Universe   Not Two
Tend the Seed of the Other
For Within the Other is the Seed of You

Discover Nature and Tend to this Discovery
Then Know that the Nature of the Tended and Untended is the Same Nature.
The Beauteous Flower and the Noxious Weed both arise from a simple seed
Structure and Function conjoin and thereby comes the sweet illusion of the world
AH what to make of such pondering

A tender of words watches and scans for secrets to unconceal themselves
Perhaps merely to make a dent in the Great Wall of Illusion.

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