Saturday, October 2, 2010

What To Do

What To Do

Drowning in busyness    flailing and bobbing in waves of emotion
Which turbulence will carry me away and how far before I know?
Come back to the presence of watching only to drift away again.
Longing for breakthrough, for knots undone. Is it possible?
What is the best course of action?  Hold fast to the bodhi mind –
     somehow it reveals its unfailing nature. Just Know.
Poor me is nowhere to be found but suffering is everywhere.
Train Train in all moments Train  - just in case
     I never see reality as it is.
Then I will at least be of some use and have some meaningfulness
     to someone somewhere sometime somehow.
What else is there? Chasing pleasure and running from pain?
Are we not weary of these realms and their limitations?
Aspire!Aspire! Supplicate the Victors!
Oh let us know it always as it is – free of distortion and delusion.
Just a glimpse, a clue, a signal that we are on the correct road.
A fast track. A little luck. Allow us to give up the past.
-    The very mistakes that define us.
Allow us to know without concepts. To be with what is.
Let us keep asking ourselves what we are until we no longer know.
Then maybe we could be free of knowledge.
Is it not knowledge that hides reality?
Oh Bodhi Mind – keep me from drowning in glorious me.
I assure you all of the hideous mass of desire and fear that is me.
Sad to see like the broken fools that are noteworthy in their acts perverse.
Yet I am Wisdom, Boundless Mind. Is there any difference?
Come back to Awareness. There is no other. Right?
For now I am drowning in thought, flailing and bobbing in a matrix of                            words.

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