Friday, October 29, 2010

Hawk Face and Feather Maiden

Hawk Face and Feather Maiden

Hawk Face
Son of the Severed One-
scattered through the prism-door of Dark Hidden Realm
Sharp-eyed Victor over the Uncle Foe the Shunned Feral
Patron of Shaman-Kings in the Family of the Civilized
We salute the same god-friends Earth and Sky and Mind
Ascend and Descend along the Sky Path through the Earth Mouth
Your Name is Battle and Might and Youth and Rule
Your friends are Cattle and Flight and Truth and School
Wings instead of Legs and the Guardian of the freshness of childhood
Angel of the Silent Roar and watcher of Mothers
Waxing Sun of Glorious Dawn
Feet Firm and Steady Upon the Boat and the Crocodile
Fiery Glow of Unfathomable Power
Layer of Waste to Empires and Stale Destiny

Feather Maiden
Lover of Means and Knower of Hidden Truth
Examiner of the Minds and Whims of Humans
Seer of Strength and Weakness
With Sceptre and Sandal Wand
A Single Feather Balanced on End
Gateway of the Heart
Kind Daughter of Justice in the Dark World
Symbol of Enlightenment for gods and humans
Both Merciful and Harsh as a Mother Need Be
Brutal and Kind Honesty
Liberation from the Bondage of Imbalance
The Order of Nature and Heavens
Stability and Clarity that is Health of Being and Tribe
Harmony of Song and Breath
Fairer than Life itself
May heart and mouth be truly synchronized
May we be Beloved of You
Trance of Balance and subduer of restlessness
Strange guide of destiny mind
There in timeless mirror seance
Shadow of a Feather in candlelight as priest and priestess whisper
Simple and Unfettered May we Be

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