Saturday, October 2, 2010

The Craft of the Wise

The Craft of the Wise

Just as a Garden      All things need tended in order to Thrive
Stagnant Waters invite difficulties

May the tribe mongers be groomed and anointed
May intentions be far reaching and not short-sighted

Refine away the moments        Forget pride and persona
Personal Power is a delusion of Ego
Slay that One    Give to the Cup     Stop the Madness

Relax into the Craft of the Wise
Plant the Seeds of Virtue and Insight

Garden the Subtle Elements all ye Yogins
Groom the Moments of Consciousness

Ultimate Reality Appears
Changeless Change    
Motion and Stillness without Distinction

All Logic leads to an Abyss
One Wonders is there a Beyond

Only those who Leap will Find Out

So many are held by the Inertia - the Silly Fear
We are broken by the cruel past
This need not be

Some can only go a little and slowly as the past is not easily fixed
Here tending one flower is enough

Others can manifest Wondrous Gardens to heal the weary
A Gentle Smile is the Heir to proper planning and execution
Failure is only temporary 
Success has more Possibilities

The Craft of the Wise is What?
To know pain, what causes it, its temporary nature, and how to get beyond it.
To Know, Understand, and Go

A simple gardener can only do one thing at a time
Multiplicity is an emotional illusion and space filled with consciousness
The Auro-Sage said that  Matter is hidden Life -
Life is hidden Consciousness - Consciousness is hidden Wisdom

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