Hymn to the Goddess
Before Time and Beyond Space you pervade every place and moment.
We come and go from your Essence which we ultimately are.
Black Lady Time Eater your body is the heat-death.
Vast ocean of energy beyond imagination.
The matrix from which all arises, abides, and falls away.
The quantum foam, the blue black darkness of space.
The Perfection of Wisdom same as it ever was.
Great Mother please dissolve these veils that bind us.
Bring forth the fruits of Yoga.
You are Awareness itself for what else could devour Time?
Entice us to the most subtle ecstasy and then Beyond.
May your Wisdom Fire burn away our entanglements of habit and emotion.
Awareness Void of Qualities - May we grasp nothing else.
You are as the Tree and we are as the fruit.
We long to ripen - to transcend the worlds.
All treasures eventually revert to You.
Your forms bless and protect from fear
Your knife slays the misconception of self.
Great Mother show your children the way of transcendence.
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