Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Stream is in the Flowing

The Stream is in the Flowing

Streams flow
Wolf smarts mean survival
When muscles fall into disuse
   we lose flexibility
Like Minds?
Kindred Spirits?
Only in a manner of speaking
Compatibility so hard to find.
Marry all beings
World full of brides, grooms,
   and balls and chains.
Society, without and within
Delicate dance of likes and dislikes
   - thin ice wandering.
Sleight me, spite me, incite me, bite me
 - I invite ye
Conversation transfer energy
I see your words and you mine
There is a strange sense of longing
But for what I know not
Perhaps just flow
A nourishing river of intimacy
- a sense of meaningfulness
The will to go on cheerfully
A chance to explore the depths
- the dark unknown.
This future ceaselessly lurks
What of it?

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