Saturday, October 2, 2010

Blinded By Apples

Blinded by Apples

Eye amulets play a game
You army your way here and there
   by the paths of the past
Our brand of foolishness is quite rare
Of this you have not seen the last

Make the gesture to seal our bonds
Then may we extract wisdom there from
Leap the crevice  Oh gypsy space
Offer thyself to the fire Make thy way to Om
Thrice changing Know anew Face

Hideous display of rotting dragons
Open the pathways  Heal the sickening
Come forth the clarity the mind most subtle
Let each day be a day of reckoning
Bring forth these dire wishes we muddle

You there! Taste the thundering silence.
Water. You  think it is wet this rain?
Thread the needle Love. And You?
Tread softly not to wake that joy and pain
Fierce fiery gaze and adorned in black sky blue

The latent explosions of desire stir the wind
Must not there be something findable here?
The poet wounded and blind sees no gemstones glimmer
Surrounded by tomorrow and yesterday near
Take my mind from this dross Oh bathe in my shimmer

Inner meaning the body understands
A twin with uncertainty  the teacher
Cultivate the Fragile  the daring sproutling
Point me there You  and You I will feature
Better us now the faithling than the doubtling

We are One.  Shall We?

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