Saturday, October 2, 2010

Ah, The Moment

Ah, The Moment

Longing     Dying      Wandering Wretched
Ragged and Restless

How silly this self-yanking

Wisdom and Folly so close -almost inseparable
Too close for comfort?

Ah there’s that good ole habit of two

With nothing to hold on to there is only space

Not-space is our imaginary twin

Longing only for a song to delight the heart-mind

For you to ride like a magick carpet to Wisdom Mind

I am playing poet-conjuror

The hour is late. The mood is tense and sleepy.

May the songs hold you aloft my Queen of the Future.

Wisdom Love flies ever

May this Joyful Wind fill you

Blowing blossom song   Shared among beings
Passed on forever    A delight unending

A cheerful dream in love with the wind

Anxiety melts away in your arms.

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