Friday, October 29, 2010

School of Time and Action

School of Time and Action

To be engaged in the moment is what I so long for
To be lost in the Song for what else is the song for

To ride the winds of life by signs and songs oh great joy
To ride the mind with optimal energetic engagement
To know the essence of freshness and its vast profundity

Two hawks in the wind disguised as flittering autumn leaves
Appearance and Reality
Comfort and Death
Knowledge and Delusion
With and Without
Duality and Non-Duality
The Seen and Unseen
Which is Which
   and how the Knowledge of Concept Veils the Inconceivable
Truth Veils Truth
Thought Veils Non-thought

Food and Survival and War and Conquest
Focus depends on situation and perceived needs

Kindness for all realms   Streams of offerings and blessings
From scatter to focus to scatter to focus

Lonely words wander through the pages of the mind
Knowers of meanings linger into the future
Meaninglessness tempers the One artist and art
Songs and Dreams and histories of actions
These are mere means of Untangling the Knotted past
Watch tendency and preference and see Time

Emulate the Sages   Find their trails and Travel
Know too the Mages  and the Worlds they Unravel

Give and Encourage Song
Accept and Acknowledge Song
Give Courage
Accept Knowledge

Sing for the Spirits but Remember not to mock them
For they will exact due retribution
But from these Ordeals come Knowledge
Accept It

Hawk Face and Feather Maiden

Hawk Face and Feather Maiden

Hawk Face
Son of the Severed One-
scattered through the prism-door of Dark Hidden Realm
Sharp-eyed Victor over the Uncle Foe the Shunned Feral
Patron of Shaman-Kings in the Family of the Civilized
We salute the same god-friends Earth and Sky and Mind
Ascend and Descend along the Sky Path through the Earth Mouth
Your Name is Battle and Might and Youth and Rule
Your friends are Cattle and Flight and Truth and School
Wings instead of Legs and the Guardian of the freshness of childhood
Angel of the Silent Roar and watcher of Mothers
Waxing Sun of Glorious Dawn
Feet Firm and Steady Upon the Boat and the Crocodile
Fiery Glow of Unfathomable Power
Layer of Waste to Empires and Stale Destiny

Feather Maiden
Lover of Means and Knower of Hidden Truth
Examiner of the Minds and Whims of Humans
Seer of Strength and Weakness
With Sceptre and Sandal Wand
A Single Feather Balanced on End
Gateway of the Heart
Kind Daughter of Justice in the Dark World
Symbol of Enlightenment for gods and humans
Both Merciful and Harsh as a Mother Need Be
Brutal and Kind Honesty
Liberation from the Bondage of Imbalance
The Order of Nature and Heavens
Stability and Clarity that is Health of Being and Tribe
Harmony of Song and Breath
Fairer than Life itself
May heart and mouth be truly synchronized
May we be Beloved of You
Trance of Balance and subduer of restlessness
Strange guide of destiny mind
There in timeless mirror seance
Shadow of a Feather in candlelight as priest and priestess whisper
Simple and Unfettered May we Be

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sending and Taking

Sending and Taking

The serve and the volley   of the kings Oak and Holly
Transfer of Power

Heavenward rides the sacrifice from the Agni’s womb-furnace
Scented smoke carries goods to gods and gandharvas
And to those In Between

To gods and to children tends the bright mind of service
The bridegroom and the bride all happy and nervous

Though below and above dwell demon and deva
From the balanced human issues bright seva

A hand to above and a hand to below
A river of blessings to flow to flow
To bless and to offer
To fill and to empty – the coffer

From the light and sublime to the heavy huddled masses
We open to the pathflow of the guests of four classes

In service to the named and colored spirits, living loas
Combed with song together and teased with wild dohas

Offer fearless mind to all that live and die in the vast samsara
Offer flesh and blood to all the kinds four whose names are Mara

It’s OK now Give away the tight self that was never
Let go the deception, all safe poison illusion now sever

Take pain and madness and fear and loss
Give praise and joy and victory and gloss

These are but clouds that blot the Sun’s aimless flakes
Look to find naught as to who gives and who takes

Of That and of This ‘Tis Different yet Same
But all split asunder with Form and with Name

May the bridges of grace-beams carry the soft defiled
Now tend the telepathy of Mother and Child

The gift is connection, a beacon, a link
For when one is thirsty, one finds there a drink

For if There is nothing then what Now is Here?
Who reaches in to the paradoxical queer?
And who lets fall all that is dear?

Oh don’t despair ye wild dancer
For there is no logical answer.

Don'tcha Know?

Don’tcha Know?

It’s a messed up world don’tcha know don’tcha know
It’s a messed up world indeed
The raggedy old wind’s gonna blow blow blow
From the seed to the fruit to the seed

On top of  the world is just a hop skip and a jump
  from rock bottom - don’tcha know don’tcha know
You can’t have what you can’t lose and
You can’t lose what you can’t have.

It’s a game we play don’tcha know don’tcha know
It’s illusion but it is all we know
We’re a train riding on the tracks of past action
A well defined world of dissatisfaction stretches before us.

Pretenders to the Crown

Pretenders to the Crown

Rights. Access. Royal Blood. Ancestral Pride. The Heirophant.

Pecking Order. Caste.

Silly Notions All.

Babalon - Whore of New Wisdom Fire  - destroys all traditions

The seeker of wisdom is heir

The partaker of ordeals is heir

The detached game-player is heir

Consumers of rewards and those with purpose
   mere feigners are they - pretenders to the crowns.

From the same human we come

From the same elements we are made

In the same mind-stream we wander

Sameness and Difference taking turns

Clarity and Muddlety trading moments

Beyond Numbers is the Mind Unfettered

Name and Form sparkle in Becoming

How Unbecoming is the recognition of Innate Awareness

With it or Without it

There and Beyond There Indistinguishable

These Words Just Take Up Space

Ungraspable Mind

God and Devil of the Same Nature

Heaven and Hell in the Same Place

Eternity and an Instant  at the Same Time

Wisdom and Delusion dance for Immediacy

Intention and Habit compete for Manifestation

First the Habit of Meritorious Energy

Then the Dissolution of the Illusion of Merit

Then the Substance is Transformed

Alchemy - Lead into Gold

For a Time Reversible

Then Irreversible Wisdom Mind Shines like the Sun

This is Spoken by the Voice of Concept -

Chief Pretender to the Crown

That is What They Say

Before and After

Before and After

Before and After
Ever strangers to one another
The rival twin brothers

The wild abandon of the rising
The desolate calm of the fallen

Yesterday’s folly turns to tomorrow’s regret
Ever strangers to one another

Grasp onto her and she changes to dust
Walk alongside her and she grows vivid

The drunken night and the sobering morn
Hunger unleashed and bursting belly

Why are they such strangers?
The wise man knows how to introduce them to one another

The more estranged the more unbalanced
Mix the extremes - Dilute the bias

May the night and the morn seamlessly integrate
Every crest has its trough

May we find the still silence of a motionless sea

Better yet may we know the waves and the sea to be inseparably one mind.

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Gule of August - Early Harvest in America Midwest

Welcome to the other side - The new solar slant on things
Cicadas emerge from shells and the cricket she sings

Goldenrod shimmers and ironweed stretches high
The wind is quiet and the summer leaves hide the sky

Contemplation beckons and the perilous quest for fun
The fine fierce Autumn lurks somewhere behind the sun

Gather food - the magickal gardens give birth
At the seasonal apex of the offering Earth

Spring gems now dormant their leaves fallen and gone
Bugs fluttering and whizzing - their lives appear then done

Nests and colonies at work - for the future of strange races
Love and delight - the worship of bodies and faces

Worlds turning and circling Nothing is ere' the same
But as we strive to grasp the moment - We settle for form and name

Bathe in Moonbeams Tonight

Bathe in Moonbeams Tonight

Lifeless leaves linger and flitter all crumbly and crispy
The roots take life into the earth womb
The night grows – treacherous and desolate
Beauty mingles with Pain

Crescent Corn and Sparkling Pine Imbue the Medicine Pack in Dream
The cool wind is a thief – whisking away the god, the soul of moisture
Drowsiness and thirst ambush the unwary traveler through the twilight
The spiky starry rays of the Witch Hazel glisten in the wind

Dawn knows   The rooster crows
Distance and Knowledge in the Land of the Vivid
Dusk knows   The subtle glows
Only stars and moon amidst the walls of darkness

Forget the duty Forget the worry
Go Within   Go Within
No jeweled booty nor sloppy hurry
Will allow the gate to Open

Cloak thyself with Time
Illusions of Tomorrow and Yesterday Fade
Remember the Autumn Sun
The Captured Moments of Children

Water seeks the lowest spot and the truth it seeks the surface
The power in the secret enchants but when known it becomes worthless
Caravan at the Crossroads
May we spread the sumptuous Ganachakra
Sing songs of how you Understand
Massage the Council Mind
Offer a Rose without Thorns to the Gypsy Girl

Where will we go?
Roads and Possibilities Stretch out Beyond
Be not the Selfish Wanderer nor the Fearful Fort Dweller
Tend the Gardens and Flocks and Wander in the Vast Mind

Be Honest and Give Medicine
Be a Nurse unto Earth and Family and Stranger and Enemy
So Bathe in Moonbeams Tonight with the Black Corn Essence

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Old Oak Orenda

Old Oak Orenda

Great Lords of the Wood   Watch over the Forest Family
Wake up the Guardians Within   down along your majestic roots
Tapping into the Hidden Earth Consciousness
Convene the missing pieces of the soul

Your trunk straight and even is a pole to which the universe is tethered
Your branches high watch the seedlings and the flora and fauna
They see the sky too and all the soarers beaked and feathered
Your sap runs late in the year and kingly you wield the forest prana

Your high shade is soothing and friendly and a place of great beauty
Your fruit is a gift to squirrels and the autumn doe and buck
Your charge the whole of nature, a task of great duty
Home of the elven hoardes, keeper of gates, of fates, and of luck

Share with me your wondrous power and I will protect you best I can
Open to me worlds unseen and I will anoint you with focused mind
Bring us tales of wonder and healing and we will ride your Awen
Let us find richness and robust meaningful living of the joyous kind

My gratitude for Pan and whiskered serpent feathered friends
For seeing through time and space and keeping the great flow
Of words and power and the dance of the mind
We who journey may we for the going Go

The Four Crescent Moons

The Four Crescent Moons

Light Crescent Moon Rising
Majestic Horns of the Cow Goddess and her Bull
The bow that brings food and victory and true aim
The chalice that pours the world into the world
Two sharpened points cut the sky wind

Dark Crescent Moon Falling
Victory of Light draws near
The Drigug slays the ego and skins the corpse of delusion
Darkness is flayed away and the unimpeded Lumen Whirl beckons
But the Moon’s mad light blinds and burns the unconsecrated

Dark Crescent Moon Rising
The hidden waxer among the visible waner
All empires to dust and all glory to time
Turn the mind to healing rest and cultivation of the simple
The light is strong but subtle enough to foresee the future

Light Crescent Moon Falling
The World Fire threatens to smolder to naught
The mighty horns of the past bleach and decay in the elements
The Sky Mother Dancer offers Wisdom Nectar to all Appearance
Heavy eyes fall softly into the Realm of Dream

There at the Gateway to the Bottomless Sky
Protrudes the Monstrosity King
Proclaiming Might and Calm
And Offering the Key to Change
Come Ye Deserters All and let us leap into the wondrous Unchartable Realm

Tuesday, October 5, 2010



To Clear Away Illusion is to Heal the Mind from Unawareness
The Maya Veil distorts all we know into our version of the Real

May the Bear Dance for We Children

Walking the Horizon of Medicine Poison
the Horizon of Ally-Foe
the Horizon of Illusion-Real

Horizon Walkers Capture Medicine
Mind wanderers call old names

Shen-Nong, Lord of the Burning Wind
Taster of All the plants with a handy window to watch their effects
With P’an Ku and Fu Hsi Lords of Medicine Three
And then came Yao Wang, the King of Remedy

Bearer of the serpent rod, Asklepios , with medicine daughters
Come to the underground, the temple of dreams, the dark realm of Hypnos
Sleep away weakness and exhaustion
Panacea be our matrix

The early Medicine Father, Imhotep, keeps the earth and sky from colliding
Son of Ptah, fosterling of Nuit, servant of Maat
Talk to the River in dreams
Dam the deluge of chaos and death

In the Temple of Gula the dog gods lick wounds
The hut by the river, The Great River that carries away disease

Hishe bestow powers as we perform the healing tribal dance
Kind Orishas be near and lift our ailing hearts

Draw the aksaras, make the jimats, recite the healing mantras
Sacred touch, Reiki-Prana, Blow and See the energy

Old Pajawo and Aplu-Apollo
Sickness and plagues take lives and purge time with survival

By Eir and Sunna and Brighid and other shining mindforms may rest come
Kupala of the Healing Waters and Potions
By Wisdom Woman herbal ways may sickness subside

Kutnahin, Dung-covered Beggar
Red Man of Thunder and Storm, Asgaya Gigagei
Shaman-priest, Wear the Medicine Hat and summon the healing spirit-energy

Vishnu Dhanvantari ministering to the gods
Amrita from the Milk Sea and Golden Yellow powder for skin and within

Ghost Mother Hariti and the Matrika Mother-Fiends
Clear the Fevers of Plague no Fierce Warrior can subdue

Sangye Menla Deep Lapis Glow of Rainbow Awareness
With Your Eight Healing Regents
May the Supreme Medicine of Enlightenment be conferred on all Beings in Space
The Urge to Heal is the Universal Call of Maitri-Karuna

Most Merciful Queen or King of All the World and Within
Is the Quick and Magnificent, the Mighty Kwan Yin
Hearer of Cries, Stauncher of Wounds, and Partial to All and None
The Supreme Medicine is the Wish-fulfilling Jewel of Your Very Mind of Bodhi

The Fire

The Fire

If no one tends the fire - adds more logs to it  then the fire goes out
     and it gets darker and we get cold.

Likewise if no one tends the fire within - the fire among us - the fire
     of possibility - the fire of desire - the fire of offering - the fire
     that heals - the fire that awakens - then the same

To dream - REM ember glows within
Rememberememberemember  the severed body of the slain god?
No - simply remember the moment
     and see the illusion of sameness
Each moment is unique or so it seems to us in the grip of time

The Stream is in the Flowing

The Stream is in the Flowing

Streams flow
Wolf smarts mean survival
When muscles fall into disuse
   we lose flexibility
Like Minds?
Kindred Spirits?
Only in a manner of speaking
Compatibility so hard to find.
Marry all beings
World full of brides, grooms,
   and balls and chains.
Society, without and within
Delicate dance of likes and dislikes
   - thin ice wandering.
Sleight me, spite me, incite me, bite me
 - I invite ye
Conversation transfer energy
I see your words and you mine
There is a strange sense of longing
But for what I know not
Perhaps just flow
A nourishing river of intimacy
- a sense of meaningfulness
The will to go on cheerfully
A chance to explore the depths
- the dark unknown.
This future ceaselessly lurks
What of it?



Tomorrow the world ends
So Enjoy Today

Remember the mind bends
So employ the Way


Like breath these strong emotions
   rise to the surface over and over
   at the beckoning of signals

We fall prey to their snarling teeth

We fall. The gravity of tendency takes us.

Klesha addicts lost in the promises of ecstasy and misery.

Trading pity for schemes  A hit for a hit

Waiting for sleep to wash away the follies of today.

But some remain. Close to the surface. Easily activated.

To Work! Some place. Some where.

Tomorrow the world begins
So Employ Today

Forget. The mind pretends
Now Enjoy the Way



Legendary Realms         The Far Away Within
Symbols and the Mind dance together

Oh to Cut Through and Leap Over to the Original Beyond

Too much time chained to hope and expectation
As life withers away in meaninglessness

Coerce the Tribe to the Temple of Awareness
Mindfulness is the Rite
Aspire to Unadorned Awareness

We are ever packaged in the Body
Only in Dreams and Visions do we somewhat transcend it
Even here we look for it - Pretend it

When in a state of Attention we notice a Change in the
   quality of incoming sensory data and how we React to it

Breathing accompanies us from beginning to end
Always there - Always moving

Humans distracted by their things and duties fall away from noticing
The Tree Lore goes down from Spirit to Material
Levels from High to Low
Up and Down Space
Above and Below Space
Within and Without Space
Infinitesimal Vastness
Just Space
One is Married to Many
Rest is Married to Motion

The Far Away Within

Modern Life Points Away to Hoards of Senseless Illusions
We run along like cars on a track - Chasing Addictions
We can’t see the Freedom All Around Us
Habit and Emotion block our View
Too Bad for Us Unruly Wanderers
Point the Way Comrade
Service the Inner Me Ye Whore of Transformation
Worship the Excellence Within One Another
Let Every Act of Will and Submission Be Meaningful
Until there is no Need for a Path or Travel
Blindness Merges with Sight

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Story of Innana

The Story of Inanna

Inanna, Girl Child of the Moon God
Ye who Nurtured the Wandering Tree
Ye of the Throne and the Bed
Queen and Lover
Keen of Mind to Outwit the Drunken Lord of Wisdom
Ye who cultivated the Great Servant Ninshubur
Ye Beloved of the People

Queen of the Heaven of Morning
Queen of the Heaven of Evening
Queen of the Model City of the Fledgling Earth

Fresh Maiden for the Shepherd-King of Uruk
Great Wedding of Holy Lovers
Let the Rising Cedar Plow the Ripened Vulva of the Great Love Queen

Ye who were called over the Horizon to the Funeral of the Bull of Heaven
From the Great Above to the Great Below
Ye who were made naked of tools and garb and hung on the hook a corpse
No mercy or ease from your dark, mad, and grieving sister
To Take Away in Murky Silence is her Nature

Revived by the Wit of the Wise Lord of Eridu
Yet with a Dark and Dire Choice to Make
To Condemn Your Proud Mate
Oh How the Mourning Rained
And Behold his Noble Selfless Sister Saves the Kingdom’s Blessed Union
To Give in Offering is her Nature

May the Love of the Goddess and the King thrive
May the Queen keep the date harvest in great store
May we Celebrate Abundance and Joy and Victory and Marital Satisfaction
May Your Starry Rosette of Heaven Bloom Ever
May Kingdom and Land and Heaven be in Harmony
May You Continue to be the Just and Noble model for Queens

Ahoy Mate!

Ahoy Mate!

The flickering Aspens imitate the Sun shimmering on the stream
Air and Earth beget Motion
Fire and Water beget Motion
Heaven and Earth, the Lofty and the Lowly
Fire and Ice
The Alchemical Marriage

I long for the enticing Body of your Words  Ye Myth Dancer
Anchor my Wandering Mind with your Reflections
Why are we all separated into our little worlds of duty and custom?
Break away from the herd racing for the cliff

Desire is our master of many faces. Desire for the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
The Good lightens the load. The Bad weighs us down. The Ugly hides the Truth.
But Even the Good harbours the illusion of the path
The Fool has no destination
Only an empty cup can be filled

Cups full of useless knowledge
At least ye let me pretend I am meaningful
A game of flattery perhaps   But we travel and dance and travel and dance
Laughter and the Joy of  seeing Within - Adorn Us

Come my Playmate - Appear before Me ye rascal
Or else I will Fetch you Me-self
I am weary of the Noisy Silence of the human trains

Wake me from this Slumber my Kali
And the Universe will Reappear
The Moon is Rising  The Sun is Falling   The Earth is Turning
A sober smile attends your memory

Dark Moon Woman

)   Dark Moon Woman   (

I can only pretend to understand you
You crush my measly world many times

Expecting a smile and an embrace
I find a snarl and rejection

I can’t be your servant
I can’t be your master

Only this ungraspable uncertainty looms untainted
Unaffected by the rise and fall of lives and worlds
Only when this endless frustration tires can I see beyond

Fantasy and planning are the games of fools
Yet we must pretend as is custom

Waiting for friendship love to dawn
Here in the darkness of unknowing
Possibilities lost forever in an instant
Others arise in an instant

The past will go
The future will come
Let us leave them alone for Now
And wander aimlessly in the Timeless Awareness

Cravers of Order and Justice fall short
Those immersed in Struggle and Effort falter
The cunning connivers make ill-fated attempts
But those who carry no banners travel safely
To the realm of the space gypsies

Yogi and Gypsy take flight
The Sky is for Traveling
Merely Ribbons in the Wind of Open Presence

The World, its inhabitants, and their demands
     block the entrance to the Sky Realm
To serve them well is the gate fee

We all must Journey So ready the Ships Aye
What can we do but ready the ships - shall we?

Ready the ships and dance along
Meet the strands of Light that live in the Darkness
Meet the thunderous mantra of the Universe
For the Body shields us from the Divine that terrifies us
To cut things up with mind is just Play
The Mere Play of Perfect Wisdom
Deity shape-shifts from Master to Slave to Lover to
 Father-Mother to Friend to Playmate to Self to Void

The Dark Moon Woman is Empty
Without the Quality of Illumination
True Substancelessness
The Nature of All Things
Cruel Beast of a Nurturing Mother
Has nothing to do with thoughts and words and bodies
Thoughts are the Mind
Words are Sounds and Symbols
The Body is the Bliss of Pleasure and Pain
No Mind is the Home of the Wisdom Mother
Only As Her can we Swallow the Universe - Our own Self
Here in the Sweet and Perfect Darkness of Unknowing