Friday, April 19, 2013

Another Piece of Momentary Nothing

Another Piece of Momentary Nothing

Norms and forms and worms
Slithering ignorances and well visited temples

Dare ye to explore the ever-present unknowns?
Reservations end in the death that is silence
Nothing is saved
All is lost
Quests unventured
Silence is most interpretable between sounds
Otherwise it seems an impenetrable barrier that lacks any betweeness
Words toxic, thoughts paradoxic

Words are like turds
Liberated by the ego-grasping conceptual mind
We summon waste and with it we paint the world
Or as Buddha said, “with our thoughts we make the world”

We are consumers and excreters in many ways
The way of energy exchange is our way as we are denizens of the world

Like the flowing rivers we are takers and givers
In motion we seek stillness
In stillness we seek motion
We feel the comfort we feel the burn we toss and turn in the agony of change

We are here in the density
Such is the agony of the realm

We are finite and subject to disease and decay
Such is the agony of our fates of pain

We are also infathomable mind and so the fetters can be undone
And the agonies allowed to pass away
May it be so


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