Saturday, July 16, 2011

Moon Gathers Poison

Moon Gathers Poison

Draw out the toxin, suck the venom of enmity mind
Full Moon Shaman extracts demon poison through the wound tunnel
Tweezers gather the splinters of delusion
Tide winds wick the wicked from thy fleshy mind
Monks and nuns confess broken vows and restore them

Hovering o’er the green field in beauty and solitude is the bright one of the night

Heal us with gravity
Heal us with light
Heal us with magnetism
Heal us with wonder

Low realms of cruelty and hunger pervade our comfort abodes
This reminds us that we are protected by mere illusion

Wayward clans chase bliss and exclusivity
They venerate the familiar and the comfortable
They see the demonic where it is not
They imagine monsters and cluster in safety
Their caution looks silly from the clarity of afar

Venom is subtle and medicine is delicate
Phurba darts inject and withdraw in balance
Vajra tubes connect and uproot pain folly
Fullness and emptiness lose their distinctions
Wrath tames those difficult to tame
Fire destroys and vow takers chain themselves to fire
Most of us chain ourselves to delusion
Committed ones chain themselves to that which destroys delusion
Freedom from delusion allows one to see how to help the unfree
Otherwise it is difficult and variable
It seems there are always two wings balancing the bird of awakened mind
One does two things: clearing debris and aiding stragglers
Knowledge without reference
Kindness without preference
May endless streams of spontaneous love and presence flow throughout all possible
   realms and abodes.

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