Clan Jn
Kula of the Blue Dragon
Blunt and direct is the trauma of truth and energy
Compassion trumps law and custom
All is not fair and not always friendly even within
As life is also not fair and often not friendly
We bless and then curse what we bless according to our situations
But messy mad moments hide an overall loyalty
Forget not that the Djinn have free will
Mal and Ben are forces of balance to those accustomed to adjustment
Here in the outer circle of Jotunheim dwell willing stragglers from herd mind
Blackness. Of absorbing all color-emotions without falling under their sway
- Entirely
Blackness that yields distrust and fear in very subtle ways to those unknowingly deluded
The scenes are annoyingly predictable and too the subtle shuns and animosity
We shun convention.
Ye shun the shunners of convention.
Even ye who celebrate such liberation.
Discomfort is a home as any other.
Elegance is a wayward fantasy.
A moment of rest and a moment of toil differ only in mind.
Tension keeps motion
As for me – the Universe is my reservoir, the Queen of the Graal is my Foundation,
Wavering cups are my variable wind, The Balanced and Slashing Princess is my Fire,
and Love as Two divided is the momentary nature of Space. Taskmaster Saturn informs me.
Or so says the Pictorial Dance of Masks and Suits
The Magick of Convening seems exceedingly difficult as even siblings are strangers
Distrust and lack of attention send them into their own abysses
I prepare now for a Banquet of Love and Will
Who Shall Attend?
No One?
Clanning Instinct calls me ever to wavering in entanglement and slashing paths anew
What will become of this – if anything?
Ah, but I have infinite patience and no expectations
As long as I keep to my commitments what does it matter?
Not at all Not at all
What’er you say my Queen.
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