Monday, July 18, 2011

Aspiring to Attend Protectors

Aspiring to Attend Protectors

Flash of terror, Helpless chipmunk in the talons of a hawk
Raven guards and laments for roadkill comrade raven
Slain prey offerings
Lost pets

Animal nature in all its cruelty and fear and hunger and instinct
Fear and aggression are the wayward brothers
The wolfpacks of necessity and cooperation

I tire of seeing death of the delicate
Warm faces today and lifeless bodies attracting flies tomorrow
Love gasps imagining their torment
Tears and sober presence seek out meaningfulness
But duty calls and one may as well do it as well as one can
But also seek to reflect on the words of sages
And forget them not in the wiles of pleasure and anger
And forget them not in the quiet of easy peaceful times
For ease and suffering dwell nearer to one another than it seems

Guilt and sorrow and wondering whether I have failed my friends
This is the bane of ships’ captains and protectors of beings
I wish to be in deed what I am in thought and in word
In this way duty is never ending and pervades all moments
All absorption is liable to be interrupted by duty
So may we dwell not in selfish pursuits
May we be unswayed by anger and laziness and indifference
Even small gestures sometimes yield results so may we neglect them not
Difficult as it may be – may we be vigilant even in our sloth and torpor
May we tend our state of mind
If we are having trouble meeting our commitments may we aspire to do so when we can’t
Giving up into self-assuaging is betraying those who need us
May we be true friends in all weather to all
Even now the fate of a fine furry friend is unknown
She is loved and missed and we may never know
I have seen death even today and know of its finality on this plane
Hope reigns for a while but reality often creeps in and sadness and doubt
These are just silly words, Actions are more powerful here
So off I go to peer
Ah she has returned. Most wonderful. But we shall never again see another girl.
Joy and Sorrow mix and mingle in the strange dance of life
May we all be relaxed and ready for death and transformation.

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