Accused and Accursed
In subtle ways the fray keeps away from wand’rers astray
In lament lands of death and stink do the yogin-tribes dwell
No sway and patience or word-whipping skills for ponderous preaching
To make magick mindfully is the momentary goal
We recognize energy when it appears and work it
The dark shadow dances eclipse the searching glances of flashlight seekers
Worshippers of form chase illusions, taking sport for religion
The believed and beloved are a function of their devotees
So too are the accused and accursed
Kind Love and Wisdom ever naked in their chamber hidden
Every karma is magick as it prunes a habit-path
The temple is formless, temenos unbound
All emotion is energy and recognition of power is a skill
To gather, store, and emanate chi is the method of flow
Stillness notices motion, flags and aspens in breezes and sun shimmer on water
Injustice churns the baffled exiles
But then comes the knowledge that fools rule the land-cage and rules fool the wand-sage
The ability to begin without accompaniment and accoutrement, to adapt to whatever
occurs, to shift rhythms and moods and paradigms – these be skills of fire chakra mages
Manipura is the city of jewels, crackling and sparkling
Longing yet for spontaneous garlands of cohorts in cahoots
Compassion takes precedent over mere truth so books and laws just serve to bring out
the sour intentions of ego fashioners
There are exiles and mere venerators of exiles
There are shamans and despised shamans
There are siddha dwellers at the thresholds
Seeth mages aglow atop and amongst twilight horizons
Yogis poised and posed on the precipice of comfort and pain
Tantrikas on the cusps of transformation
On the edge adorned with the bones of the dead
Fire and Water makes love and rainbows
Days and nights appear, dwell, and fade
Fakes imagine their authenticity and adorn themselves in symbols and styles
Silly cliques and contentless conversations surely bore the gods
The outcaste risks losing patronage and respect dwelling in the murky distant
gypsy camp on the outskirts of acceptability
Even the so-called shining ones give out pills to reign in the restless defectors
The lonely and treacherous mountain haunts are the only real safe haven for we
of the diamond sharp mind of care and tending
It is difficult and uncomfortable to evade ye but we do as we must as we are what we
need to be, we adapt to the situations at hand
Whether trickster or harlequin, friend or enemy, fan or heckler
The satire-bard judges all and his words can heal or slay as time has told
Hatred is not my nature but my mate has a streak of strike frenzy
Fire is quick and bright and hot and transformational
Wisdom-fire destroys delusion in an instant
From ore to blade is the path within the fire bath
Plans and rehearsals fall away yet training and habit seal the day
We cultivate what we cultivate, We do what we do
Our dance of culmination is our dance of days
We accept our uneasiness but we wish for a place of hidden honor for the sake of folk
The wrathful devourers of feast-dregs chase no glory and garnish
Laughter and calm ferocity are enough
For the sake of all folk and especially folk unprotected
For a thousand feasts equal no way near one small beast
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