Harmony Harm Money
Dissonance Disown Ants
Group Hug Group AUM
Silence is freedom
Sensory realms bind us
Body and mind conspire together
Dazzling us with space-time continuum
One lonely God craving Other than God?
Dissatisfaction of Desire creates universe?
God ideas and God delusions
Knowledge is overrated
Happiness is overrated
Life ends in Death
Mystery and Confusion seem to hover
What can we do?
This I wish to divine.
For now I see that what is best is simply to be kind
But this obscuring mist seems to mask the balance of deeper knowing
It is said that deeper knowing amplifies friendliness to those of shallow knowing
Ordered are certain gems but nature is messy and chaotic as well
Choosing one over the other is fine at first but meaningless yonder
Meditation is boring
Knowledge and words and images are exciting and sensory play is our habit
To disengage from the fun toys of sense is a form of isolation
Yet all points become one point and there comes the deeper meaning of experience
Or there comes the meaning of deeper experience
Time slows, as cut with a sharp and agile trained mind
How many mental events per second?
Self and infinite space find no boundaries between them
Mystical Union suggest two into one or many into one
Number and Form and Harmony are these Pythagorean gods
Intelligent Design separates maker and made
Random Perfection suggests Harmony Potential
Beauty in the Eye of the Beholder
But the Eye alters the Beheld by the mere act of Beholding
Or so said Heisenberg
In terms of religion:
Man alters God by the mere act of believing/worshipping
So did God make Man and/or did Man make God
The known alters the unknown by the mere act of wondering
I wonder what it is like with the Wisdom Eye opened
Will details fill the vastness? Will contentment self-maintain?
Will aid be easier to give?