Friday, July 29, 2011

Questions Hinder

Questions Hinder

Harmony  Harm Money
Dissonance Disown Ants
Group Hug Group AUM
Silence is freedom

Sensory realms bind us
Body and mind conspire together
Dazzling us with space-time continuum
One lonely God craving Other than God?
Dissatisfaction of Desire creates universe?
God ideas and God delusions
Knowledge is overrated
Happiness is overrated

Life ends in Death
Mystery and Confusion seem to hover
What can we do?
This I wish to divine.
For now I see that what is best is simply to be kind
But this obscuring mist seems to mask the balance of deeper knowing
It is said that deeper knowing amplifies friendliness to those of shallow knowing

Ordered are certain gems but nature is messy and chaotic as well
Choosing one over the other is fine at first but meaningless yonder

Meditation is boring
Knowledge and words and images are exciting and sensory play is our habit
To disengage from the fun toys of sense is a form of isolation
Yet all points become one point and there comes the deeper meaning of experience
Or there comes the meaning of deeper experience
Time slows, as cut with a sharp and agile trained mind
How many mental events per second?
Self and infinite space find no boundaries between them
Mystical Union suggest two into one or many into one
Number and Form and Harmony are these Pythagorean gods
Intelligent Design separates maker and made
Random Perfection suggests Harmony Potential
Beauty in the Eye of the Beholder
But the Eye alters the Beheld by the mere act of Beholding
Or so said Heisenberg
In terms of religion:
Man alters God by the mere act of believing/worshipping
So did God make Man and/or did Man make God
The known alters the unknown by the mere act of wondering
I wonder what it is like with the Wisdom Eye opened
Will details fill the vastness? Will contentment self-maintain?
Will aid be easier to give?

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Of Poetry, Seething, and Siddhi

Of Poetry, Seething, and Siddhi

Words, framed and sanctioned

Symbols carrying cargos of meaning

Mind to mind transmission

Carving runes and masking sigils; Sharing jokes and playing riddles
Casting sticks and bones and dice; Reading leaves and flame and every known device
Throwing cards and throwing pictures; Wearing masks and assuming characters

Who we are, who we think we are, and who we wanna be
In our minds  - one big RPG
Assuming forms, made up anew and those too with god-thought-form egregore

Poetry is my only friend at times, at other times my only fiend
If these words could penetrate you and bring you magick power and wisdom potential
Then perhaps my feigned mission will bear the fruits of poetry
Then perhaps those of trained vision, of meter, rhyme, and alliteration 
Would see the wile of this conversational style

Help me to see oh poetry; Numb me and plumb me to the depths of experience
For what is worthwhile and who doth care how we fare in the haze of our days
Words inspire and words conspire and words destroy
Like a soft lover one minute and a sharp weapon the next
So too like life with its imaginary barrier between joy and sorrow
We walk along precipices unseen and fear is often love of the body
And love of the body is the habit of comfort and earthboundedness
All this searching and seeking sucks the wui we from the wanderer of the way

All this knowing of the future is about attention.
The diviner plays norn
The divined gets pampered
This attention reveals patterns and trends and possibilities
Dissociated states may aid or hinder
But attention is really about knowing the present, not the future
The present makes the future and the siddha plays with what appears

Fierce lady seethmage on a high seat like a life guard sky shamaness
Chanting old songs in rhythm
Occasionally spewing strange prophecies
Wanting to move madly like the Nechung Oracle
But confined to the sky seat
Strange imaginings and cauldrons of blood and flesh-eating dakinis
Love and War, the vicious and the tender
Stories of love and death, triumph and destruction, joy and sorrow
Sometimes this makes me long for even mind beyond
But I and we are addicted to the selfness of life
Evolution and lifetimes of survival mechanism and chasing joy
The automatic and addictive has set in and we can merely aspire
But why fret? And why wallow in resentment and envy?
For there is always a bug or bird to feed and the earth to tend
And there is always a place for a warm smile and kind words
And we can always make wishes and aspire to fly in balance
Struggle and ease and ease and struggle
Ease beyond these I long to sieze
But aye the gate beyond delusion seems a tease
Seemingly insurmountable mountains of struggle and confusion appear ahead
Guess I’ll camp here instead
And wonder what could have been
As old age sets in


Thursday, July 21, 2011

Clan Jn

Clan Jn

Kula of the Blue Dragon

Blunt and direct is the trauma of truth and energy
Compassion trumps law and custom
All is not fair and not always friendly even within
As life is also not fair and often not friendly
We bless and then curse what we bless according to our situations
But messy mad moments hide an overall loyalty
Forget not that the Djinn have free will
Mal and Ben are forces of balance to those accustomed to adjustment

Here in the outer circle of Jotunheim dwell willing stragglers from herd mind

Blackness. Of absorbing all color-emotions without falling under their sway
- Entirely
Blackness that yields distrust and fear in very subtle ways to those unknowingly deluded

The scenes are annoyingly predictable and too the subtle shuns and animosity
We shun convention.
Ye shun the shunners of convention.
Even ye who celebrate such liberation.
Discomfort is a home as any other.
Elegance is a wayward fantasy.
A moment of rest and a moment of toil differ only in mind.
Tension keeps motion

As for me – the Universe is my reservoir, the Queen of the Graal is my Foundation,
Wavering cups are my variable wind, The Balanced and Slashing Princess is my Fire,
and Love as Two divided is the momentary nature of Space. Taskmaster Saturn informs me.

Or so says the Pictorial Dance of Masks and Suits

The Magick of Convening seems exceedingly difficult as even siblings are strangers
Distrust and lack of attention send them into their own abysses

I prepare now for a Banquet of Love and Will
Who Shall Attend?
No One?
Clanning Instinct calls me ever to wavering in entanglement and slashing paths anew
What will become of this – if anything?
Ah, but I have infinite patience and no expectations
As long as I keep to my commitments what does it matter?
Not at all Not at all
What’er you say my Queen.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Aspiring to Attend Protectors

Aspiring to Attend Protectors

Flash of terror, Helpless chipmunk in the talons of a hawk
Raven guards and laments for roadkill comrade raven
Slain prey offerings
Lost pets

Animal nature in all its cruelty and fear and hunger and instinct
Fear and aggression are the wayward brothers
The wolfpacks of necessity and cooperation

I tire of seeing death of the delicate
Warm faces today and lifeless bodies attracting flies tomorrow
Love gasps imagining their torment
Tears and sober presence seek out meaningfulness
But duty calls and one may as well do it as well as one can
But also seek to reflect on the words of sages
And forget them not in the wiles of pleasure and anger
And forget them not in the quiet of easy peaceful times
For ease and suffering dwell nearer to one another than it seems

Guilt and sorrow and wondering whether I have failed my friends
This is the bane of ships’ captains and protectors of beings
I wish to be in deed what I am in thought and in word
In this way duty is never ending and pervades all moments
All absorption is liable to be interrupted by duty
So may we dwell not in selfish pursuits
May we be unswayed by anger and laziness and indifference
Even small gestures sometimes yield results so may we neglect them not
Difficult as it may be – may we be vigilant even in our sloth and torpor
May we tend our state of mind
If we are having trouble meeting our commitments may we aspire to do so when we can’t
Giving up into self-assuaging is betraying those who need us
May we be true friends in all weather to all
Even now the fate of a fine furry friend is unknown
She is loved and missed and we may never know
I have seen death even today and know of its finality on this plane
Hope reigns for a while but reality often creeps in and sadness and doubt
These are just silly words, Actions are more powerful here
So off I go to peer
Ah she has returned. Most wonderful. But we shall never again see another girl.
Joy and Sorrow mix and mingle in the strange dance of life
May we all be relaxed and ready for death and transformation.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Moon Gathers Poison

Moon Gathers Poison

Draw out the toxin, suck the venom of enmity mind
Full Moon Shaman extracts demon poison through the wound tunnel
Tweezers gather the splinters of delusion
Tide winds wick the wicked from thy fleshy mind
Monks and nuns confess broken vows and restore them

Hovering o’er the green field in beauty and solitude is the bright one of the night

Heal us with gravity
Heal us with light
Heal us with magnetism
Heal us with wonder

Low realms of cruelty and hunger pervade our comfort abodes
This reminds us that we are protected by mere illusion

Wayward clans chase bliss and exclusivity
They venerate the familiar and the comfortable
They see the demonic where it is not
They imagine monsters and cluster in safety
Their caution looks silly from the clarity of afar

Venom is subtle and medicine is delicate
Phurba darts inject and withdraw in balance
Vajra tubes connect and uproot pain folly
Fullness and emptiness lose their distinctions
Wrath tames those difficult to tame
Fire destroys and vow takers chain themselves to fire
Most of us chain ourselves to delusion
Committed ones chain themselves to that which destroys delusion
Freedom from delusion allows one to see how to help the unfree
Otherwise it is difficult and variable
It seems there are always two wings balancing the bird of awakened mind
One does two things: clearing debris and aiding stragglers
Knowledge without reference
Kindness without preference
May endless streams of spontaneous love and presence flow throughout all possible
   realms and abodes.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Accused and Accursed

Accused and Accursed

In subtle ways the fray keeps away from wand’rers astray
In lament lands of death and stink do the yogin-tribes dwell
No sway and patience or word-whipping skills for ponderous preaching
To make magick mindfully is the momentary goal
We recognize energy when it appears and work it
The dark shadow dances eclipse the searching glances of flashlight seekers
Worshippers of form chase illusions, taking sport for religion

The believed and beloved are a function of their devotees
So too are the accused and accursed
Kind Love and Wisdom ever naked in their chamber hidden
Every karma is magick as it prunes a habit-path
The temple is formless, temenos unbound

All emotion is energy and recognition of power is a skill
To gather, store, and emanate chi is the method of flow
Stillness notices motion, flags and aspens in breezes and sun shimmer on water
Injustice churns the baffled exiles
But then comes the knowledge that fools rule the land-cage and rules fool the wand-sage
The ability to begin without accompaniment and accoutrement, to adapt to whatever
   occurs, to shift rhythms and moods and paradigms – these be skills of fire chakra mages
Manipura is the city of jewels, crackling and sparkling
Longing yet for spontaneous garlands of cohorts in cahoots
Compassion takes precedent over mere truth so books and laws just serve to bring out           
   the sour intentions of ego fashioners

There are exiles and mere venerators of exiles
There are shamans and despised shamans
There are siddha dwellers at the thresholds
Seeth mages aglow atop and amongst twilight horizons
Yogis poised and posed on the precipice of comfort and pain
Tantrikas on the cusps of transformation
On the edge adorned with the bones of the dead
Fire and Water makes love and rainbows
Days and nights appear, dwell, and fade
Fakes imagine their authenticity and adorn themselves in symbols and styles
Silly cliques and contentless conversations surely bore the gods
The outcaste risks losing patronage and respect dwelling in the murky distant  
   gypsy camp on the outskirts of acceptability
Even the so-called shining ones give out pills to reign in the restless defectors
The lonely and treacherous mountain haunts are the only real safe haven for we
   of the diamond sharp mind of care and tending

It is difficult and uncomfortable to evade ye but we do as we must as we are what we
   need to be, we adapt to the situations at hand
Whether trickster or harlequin, friend or enemy, fan or heckler
The satire-bard judges all and his words can heal or slay as time has told
Hatred is not my nature but my mate has a streak of strike frenzy
Fire is quick and bright and hot and transformational
Wisdom-fire destroys delusion in an instant
From ore to blade is the path within the fire bath
Plans and rehearsals fall away yet training and habit seal the day
We cultivate what we cultivate, We do what we do
Our dance of culmination is our dance of days
We accept our uneasiness but we wish for a place of hidden honor for the sake of folk
The wrathful devourers of feast-dregs chase no glory and garnish
Laughter and calm ferocity are enough
For the sake of all folk and especially folk unprotected
For a thousand feasts equal no way near one small beast