Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The TONIC and the TOXIC

The TONIC and the TOXIC

One fine line divides this from that
Phurba-dart of mind rends the horizon
Injecting the poison to subdue the demon of wild danger

In sickness and in health do we travel time and space
That which heals and that which kills share an essential palace
Points of contact, Points of contrast
The eyes and the heart and space unconfined
Mountain and Sky conjoined

We burn earth blood and earth flesh for comfort and creativity
We threaten the future of life with our devouring
We aspire to leave no marks and tend this garden
Yet we still walk the fine line of hypocrisy
What color is your mind comrade?

Beyond praise and blame, Unfettered by guilt and shame
Knowing both infamy and fame

Unaffected by loss and gain, Free of the slavery of pleasure and pain
Knowing both boon and bane

The eight selfish aims are as dew on sunlit grass to the sage without ego

All phenomena appears as medicine to the quiet river traveling patient
All phenomena appears as poison to the patient traveling the path of turbulent rapids
The river appears to go, from fierce headwaters to smooth and steady mouth
The Nile is a meandering Line, from hidden source along motherly course
Earth and Water neutralize poisons while Fire transfers them to Air where they linger

Aspire to be the happy friend of the Nature Mother
Aspire to keep the toxic from devouring life
Aspire to imbibe the nourishing tonic
The old world culture of poison devours us
Let us be vigilant without the poison of bias and hatred
May the dangerous group-mind of misconception be subdued
Yet may we re-dedicate ourselves continually to authenticity and self-honesty
Toxins warm our hearts and feed our joys
Yet we ferry poison elixirs o’er dangerous lands
Strange drugs intoxicate the questing knights
Possibilities of symbiosis lurk among the tribal enemies Us and Them
True Collaboration is most potent medicine to keep manifest the mandala

One fine line separates the healer from the killer
One fine precipice separates the earth and the sky
One fine line separates guilt and self-congratulations
Mindful vigilance is required to tend the mine-garden
The ore-wisdom is revealed and the techno priests swarm to the quickening
Training in technique is the armor of the battle-ready warrior
Attack Not. Leap Not. Retreat Not. Mountain Goat Fool wanders along.

One fine line fades into the horizon-gate and all is integrated space.

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