Tuesday, May 17, 2011

May Moon Mist

May Moon Mist

Soft and Cool the Misty Veil Conceals the Golden Glory of Solar Fire
Wandering aimlessly among the rippling waves of anxiety, another foreboding mist
Concealed is the fiery glow of focus and purpose, the Might of Will

Days and Nights go by and what have we done? What have we become?
What we are doing and being now is all that matters in our worlds in tatters
Plans and schemes are often the means to fill the gaps between
   how things are and how things seem

The Cool Flow of Evening hides the Warm Fire of Morning
The heaviness of satiation and fatigue hides the crest of the harness of potential energy
The veils of change mask the sweet illusion of continuity
Feelings come and go yet we follow them as they fade into the mist
And we wake up wondering how we got here

It is so easy to forget the Sun when the mist casts its wet shadow
The Sun knows no decline laughing its rays behind the misty gray
The Sun knows no Gloomy Day above the clouds
Just so the play of toxic emotions casts blinders about us
Even thought hides truth in the false promises of words

We engage the world with our senses we students of pleasure and pain
From this comes that, and we scan for plan, pattern, and model
Anomaly and contrast call our notice like the bright flower calls bird and bug
The Mist hides the Sun but the Sun is still there Unseen Unfelt Unknown
Causes and Conditions of our own design surround us
Our choices adorn us, Our inner voices norn us our fates
The past holds aloft the present and the present holds aloft the likely future
The past calls out to be repeated, we have the choice of whether to heed
But habit breeds like rabbit and the family is soon quite vast untended
Our children demand that we care for them and so we are leaves in the wind
   nurturing the results of our actions which follow one another in mad chains

May Moon Mist hides the Burning Summer, a fragile and tenuous operation
The transience of time intermingles with its vast depth
Such a strange illusion of big and little ensues as a speck of dust meets infinite space
Flowers color the forest for but an instant as we try to savor some moments
   that merely seem more precious than others
A beautiful place to meditate or watch the sun rise, or fall
But it rises here and falls there and time mars beauty

Fear and Beauty motivate
They are both Hopes
One to elude and the other to capture
And the sages watch as we chase our tails with great vigor
We pursue this and elude that
And Chase is the game of the day
Somewhere beyond the Veil, the Moon is planning to Rise Unseen
   and flash silvery light along the roof of the Mist
Yet the Mist can’t stem the Tides that follow the Luna
And our waters are swirled and massaged as is the Way

They say that the Spheres, the Objects, the Particles, come from Above and Beyond
And that from Below and Within come the Energy Waves
Yet it is only the pallet of Space that reveals them even to Be
To Know and to See
Thought is merely another sense-door
Words are further removed

I really want to sit in silence somewhere beyond the busy storm crisis of distraction
Perhaps I will

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