Friday, May 13, 2011

Babalon Woman

Babalon Woman

Lady of the Clan   Sharer of Energy and Space
Babalon Daughter, Liberating force
Body party, Fresh Cake of Delight
Heat, moisture, and breath perched at Gates of Change
Blaster of habits, Keeper of the New
Soft, jeweled majesty of youthful vigor beauty
Attention and Awe adorn thee

Whore Mother feeding the dream-cravings of those who long to join with Other
Enterer of realms, Crosser of thresholds
Sampler of god-forms, Gatherer of the fruits of initiation
None may come or go lest they pass through your gate
From you we Arrive and To you we Return
But this is Maya, the wife of Infinity
For the Great Wisdom Mother is all pervasive
Pure Lotus Mother ungraspable and unfathomable

We are the New Woman Paradigm, blasting away all slave-views of the broken past

Beware of the false-whores of old, swindlers, and uncaring ego-beasts
Feigned allure and predictable deception
Maid-servants of fearful monstrous greed-kings
Promiscuity complexes and promise cure of release
Variety and Diversity crave ye patrons of love taverns
Strange addictions catch us in their gory hooks
To me To me Intimacy, a fitting fit for stick and slit
Mind to Mind makes Body to Body small
But when all appearance becomes the beloved there is no thirst

We sculpt her icons in the imaginary stones of mindstuff
As we ride the roads to the deafening crescendo
We offer mantras, sense delights, and bliss-waters

Babalon Grandmother of Great Age, Wed the wise land ye shaman-chieftains
She lets fall her apron strings and is raped by soothing Sun Beasts as rocks grow
Cure us of our suicidal ways Old Woman of the Mist
Ornery and Mad Cackling Witch Aunt of the Clan
With sagging skin and breasts she laughs yet with life’s allures
Casting lots of gene-psyche she Norns familial futures

Swathed in your Scent of Allure, Your Egregore
‘Tis your Form, Your Hype, As Archetype
Mother of Peace, Emblem of War
Surveyor of the Unknown, Swallower of Womb-Abyss
Your Mysteries confound we fools who shake sticks
We ploughers of vulvas strive to win the focus of your gaze, the power of your attention
Lady of Laughter, of Luck, of Yelping Fire, of Fuck
Fearless Maiden of Lions, Doctoress of Hearts and Loins
She is a Taker and She is a Sender, transcending even Biology and Gender
Aspire her to Equalizer, as True Love knows no boundary of preference
What shall we offer her? How shall we bring her force to the fore?
How shall we Beasts carry her aloft as a Savioress?

Heal us of Our Wounds, Salve our Sores of Desire
Bring us Dreams of Knowledge of How to Die
Save us from the Illusion of Pure and Impure
For Godless God is a Whore
And that is no fallen word here
Goddess of Love and the Wish for Other’s Happiness
Born of the Foaming Wine she scorns blood and sorrow
Her smile blesses blissful union but her frown cuts enemies as a sharp sword
With poison she came and with a fortunate smile
Her beauty and power sickens men of old ways
Her reservoir is the vast vista of boundlessness
Birth gate, cum gate, prana gates, death gate, and all inevitable motion to and fro
As she slumbers her mouth blocks the road to heaven
May she awaken and soar through the crowns of yogin-kings
I merely pretend to understand

Heruka-Dakini merges with space

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