The Hidden and the Forgotten
Eggs and Seeds Hidden in the earth Swelling toward the Hatch
The door of transformation unfolds into the soft bright morning
Yawn Stretch of a million year sleep
No wonder I dreamed the corridors of body and consciousness
You were chasing me but I thought I was chasing you
What a difference one’s State of Mind makes
Symbol-wishes and seed rows hidden skillfully and forgotten
Rise to feed us with bounty and color
Ground down and crushed in the cruel mortar and pestle of craving
I curse ye oh reverie, rhyme, and meter
and your inkling promises of meaning and transcendence
But I laugh in my quiet heart, when I can find it amidst the roaring want
I confess folly and predictable vices in my quest for a little honesty
What was he like when he lived?
He scans the surface of the desert looking for pools of water
He tries to quench his thirst with brine
The jewel-woman-song-kingdom-event eludes the false now that chases her
Open here the heroic moment with the laughter of unconfinement
Alas no chains of desire tug on our wanderings
Not even the terror of freedom
Calm and Bliss, the innermost shell underneath bodies of delusion
Awakened Comfort of Equanimity
Keep us focused on the work at hand as dwellers beyond worlds
and bearers of the light of concern for thou breathing brothers
No forked-tongued demons to block the way
Astrological opportunities come and go
Cosmic Order waits patiently for us to ride the resonant waves
But phase is only real in the world of function
Awareness can warp the continuum of the cosmos
Or so I seem to suspect
The deep elegance of the perfect car is alive to carry us along our unceasing duty
Four seats without boundary has this infinite chariot of space
All is possible, even among fools weighted down with custom in the dense realm
Or so I seem to suspect
Conviction in her exquisiteness, her boundarylessness, our refined custom of rescue
Ever flow the Milk of the Lady of Transcendent Knowing
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