Yogi In the Garden of Waste
Garden of Refuse Garden of Waste E’er A-Bloom in Lives of Haste
A-Highway Child needs fed and preened
Roadside Ruins hint of gone seasons in the glint of a distant sun in brisk air
Car parties lost in time The vague numb splendor of the night cruise
The Mother wears their trinkets on her body
Fast food comfort eases the pangs of hunger of the worker and the louse
The swallow and the burp, consumed and discarded
The Mother wears their trinkets on her body
The bumbling yogi sets out with tongs and bag on a route well known
Walking, stretching, lifting, and carrying the swelling totes
A drink once one in jaw, now three as cup, lid, and straw
Broken glass and mowed mangled can – slits my bag
Paper and plastic in pieces cut but quick I strike to pluck bottlecap, straw, and butt
I wave as cars go by and wonder who planted these numerous flowers
Years ago an Indian cried but now no better
Voluminous offerings her body to fetter
As a traveler I sometimes bow in shame at my cluttered sty on wheels
And wonder too at your clarity of space with debris now jettisoned
I stay slightly uneasy at my whirling craving mess
While you kick back in your facade of cleanliness
Whether you see me as eco-hero or chain-gang slave
Even if you see me as raiding your garden, I wave
Anger bumps me now and then as I am taken from my tasks
But the thought of sharing these very words guides the smoothness of my trance
Steady and rhythmic at every stretch I arrive
Along a few miles twice and hours five
I apply the balm of steady and calm that heals my reckless restlessness
A truck speeds up right near me as if to say
How dare you condescend me and pluck my sprouts today
The wind blows my empty bag as I search for anchor
Now I could use a 40 from the guy up the road who bogged me down
Ah now here is a sign, a target of bottles, a cluster for my pickings
Some displays hint of picnics and some of trick-or-treats
Others of dirty diapers to stinky to keep
The cars and wind dissolve into a glorious moment of silence
A glimpse, an instant of Just Being without the incessant play of emotions
O’er the hill I slide as I reach for a shiny prize
A few tons of flowering weeds have we plucked in this garden
But the beat goes on and the trad
of pitching the mess unwanted. She accepts her seeming desecration quietly
I bless the roadkill fresh and the bleaching bones and the living snakes and ticks
But all is not lost as some folk wave and one even thanks me
Karma yoga Earthwise tonic
We extract her treasures and offer her waste
She smiles nonetheless knowing she will devour us yet
I have raped her too as have you but what we must simply do
- is remember to tend her best we can in whatever circumstances we are able
The yogi feeds his breath and body with asanas of gathering,
with pranayama of blissful wandering,
with pratyahara of only task and analysis of task,
with dharana of objects on the ground,
with dhyana of plucking them,
with samadhi beyond description
The plucker, the plucked, and the plucking
All one unbegun moment unending.
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