Thursday, November 25, 2010

The Aruna Clan

The Aruna Clan

(Around the full moon I had a dream that practicing a particular from of yoga and meditation was referred to as – joining the Aruna clan. At first I thought this referred to Varuna in the Persian form as Uruwna, but it may also refer to Aruna as the charioteer of Surya, the Vedic sun god. Aruna is associated with the red glow of the sun near dawn before it rises)

Uruwna is the Persian Varuna and the Greek Ouranos
Son of Night and Lord of the Celestial Ocean
High dwelling Sky dwelling maker of rain, monsters, and fateful beings

One may wonder who inhabits this clan
Perhaps those who arose from the blood and foam of his castrated genitalia
Perhaps also the Titan children of Sky and Earth and the Family Tree of the Argives

From the sea foam arose the splendid Lady of Love who would bind most,
   both human and god into her contracts though most kind is she.
Meliae, the Nymphs of the Ash Tree bestow the Manna ash and its wild spirits
Nursemaids of the baby Zeus fed by the Manna
Erinyes, the Gracious Ones: Unceasing, Grudging, and Avenging Murder
Fierce Gorgon Sisterhoods, Kind, Vengeful and Chthonic
Serpent-legged Giants who Ruled the Earth, slain by the Age of Titans and Heroes
Telchines, fish-children and magician-smiths, more old gods to overcome
Makers of the Scythe of Kronos and the Trident of Poseidon

Yet it was this Scythe that castrated the Sky God from whose blood they arose
Kronos, the son who must weaken the wrathful and fearful father
Kronos who initiates the hiding of the Chthonic
Kronos like his father fearful and now cannibal
The Sky Vault is cut as the Sickle separates Heaven and Earth
This is the Birth of Time, YChronos and the Golden Age
The Elder Gods relinquish and War History is Change
New Order from the purging of the Old
Once again the Titans give way to gods of the One Mountain
Transfer of power and change of the collective psyche
The imprisoned Ouranid Giants, the hundred-armed ones and the Cyclops
   give aid to the Olympians – giving the thunderbolt, helmet of Hades, and trident
So next there is father-king Zeus and now Grandfather Kronos dreams ever in the night

All these Family Feuds and adopted tribes and gods is rather nauseating
Is it a mess meaningful to sort out?
It is only me acting on my dreams as taught

But this too is the Varuna Clan, the Asura Clan once perhaps the Devasura Clan
As deeper yet they are the sons of Infinity, fatherless and born of Aditi
   or perhaps Aditi-Brahma, or Brahmaditi as Boundless Mother Akasha
Laxsmi, the heavenly star of morning, evening, and fortune, arose from the milk
She is the Ocean-born Mother of the World
Varuna Yoga is the devotional yoga to Order and Sadhana
Varuna is of the creative cooling water that tempers Mad Indra, the hot fire of destruction
Indra slays the Dawn Goddess, Ushas, with the Vajra Sun Rays of Vishnu in her twilight
Perhaps she dwells with Aruna in the Twilight State awaiting the Fate of Day
The Clan of the Hypnopompic Twilight dwells ever in transition
Underneath are their Counterparts, the Shadowy Dusk Demons of Sunset
Change looms ever in this crossroads encampment

Aruna is the Power of the Red Sun   He arose from an Egg prematurely
He is the brother of Garuda who rose from his egg in full time
Aruna’s power is thus subdued. He foretells the arrival of bright Surya
He drives the chariot of the Sun God with a team of Seven Horses
The consorts of Surya: Padma the Lotus, Usha the Dawn Goddess, and Chaaya
Aruna the Charioteer was said to be born without feet or sometimes without thighs
Aruna is a Hittite Sea God, son of the goddess of Magick and Healing
And aye she is Aruna, the Orphaned Untouchable Meta-human friend of Batgirl

On a clear night one can look upon the Eyes of Varuna, the Spies of Varuna that watch
It is said that he watches our morality in his great seven-fold palace in his blissful realm
   on the Flower Mountain
His Breath moistens heaven and earth
He is the Sky that covers the world
His Power is Knowledge of the Justice of Morality
He carries the Noose of Karmic Conditioning that binds us
The noose tightens as one descends from the subtle to the gross planes of manifestation
Understanding is limited and narrow in the dense realms and wide and vast in the subtle
The rings of Saturn are tight, those of Jupiter medium, and those of Uranus wide
I read that Varuna supplanted elder god Dyaus
If this is Zeus then there is maybe a cycle
Perhaps these outer planets Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus alternate –
the serpent rises and the lightning bolt descends, so like the Universe there is manifestation and dissolution, Solve et Coagula, form and formless
The Chronic Chthonic Balance of the Toxic and the Tonic
Medicine Dance of Subtlety
So perch here on the edge of consciousness and remember the forgotten world


In Swadhisthana Chakra Tatwa Bija, Vam, there is the Region of Varuna,
Half Moon where he rides the Makara
Here is the Water born of Fire
Touching the thumb and little finger makes the mudra of Varuna and is said to balance
   the water in the body

In the Palace of Varuna, a supra-cosmic being made of musical energy, a Gandharva, called Vena, lives as a fiery river that flows between the appearance of Being and the appearance of Non-Being. He is a river energy bridge that continually is absorbed into and re-emerges from the Unmanifest. Varuna travels this river Varuni through the 7 states, or planes, each with seven sub-planes. In humans this passage is between Ajna and Sahasrara and represents the seven sub-planes of the 7th plane presided over by the seven rishis and guarded by Narada, the Gandharva servant of Vishnu, gatekeeper of sorts to Sahasrara. The goal practice is to fast without effort and to dwell on the threshold of consciousness. The beginning is to be aware of the transitions between sleeping and waking while recalling the Palace of Varuna and Vena as the fire river energy thread. (derived from the book Uranus: The Alchemist of the Age by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar).

In the hypnopompic state where we begin to be awake is often where we remember dreams. This - perhaps is the state of Aruna - the soft dim red glow of the sun before it rises, ie. the soft dim glow of consciousness before it becomes the established state.

From Liber Pennae Praenumbra – The Book of the Pre-Shadowing of the Feather

“The Hidden One of the Abyss now gives the two wherein is wrought the higher 
Alchemy: supporting Earth is Chthonos--learn it well, and all bonds shall be 
loosed for the Will's Working. Surmounting Spirit, there is Ychronos, whose 
nature is duration and the passing-away thereof.”

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