Sunday, November 21, 2010

Searching for Naljorpa Entranced

Searching for Naljorpa Entranced

Somewhere within and without, all pervasive, is the state unsullied with emotive poison
They say to marry a god and get on with it, to bring it all to a monogamous point
But I am free to wander the vastness visiting a thousand wives
Love is Pointless Infinity    I marry the goddess without attributes
My dears are a thousand-petaled flower adorning my topknot
This is merely a song of hope   Of a glorious future that awaits in the silence of a moment
Somewhere there is a mystical door that escapes from the gravity of this habitual consensus
Elope with me my thousand loves 
Let us vacate this wheel for a while to rest without the parasites tearing at us
If only to remember our mission here in the dense land

The snow moon awaits in the shadows for opportune moment to appear
Darkness closes the sky   Look within for a Vision
Yes call for sign, cry for a vision, consult sticks and stones
The ritual duty is simply to be present as best one can
The shaman-poet blends the times into an energized enthusiastic elixir
Time moves upside-down in the Great Below that is Silent of Words
Time stretches forever in the Infinite Sky in the curvaceous body of Space
In the Great Above the Growing Sound Resounds and dances with its Echoes
We are lost in this Country of Circumstances
The Moon calls me to pray
Remember the Bindu that entered the Womb-Gate and grew into this Illusion of Self
Lost in the Matrix-Game of Maha Maya
The balance of great comfort is there until it’s gone and then what?
I will look on the moon tonight and gather its milk-white rays
-after I purge the body and mind with heat from without and within
Then I will re-convene this transmission of glyphic-fire to warm aching bones.

The sunset sweat was dull and cool, just a moment of misty awareness-door
Steamy sound and sizzle and fiery glow of the stone people made by fire and water
Then the inner fire, quick lives without breath
The flaming arrow-shout consumes obstacles
The needle-flame glows within in the re-convention
The gaze is up and out, wishful thinking of living in the natural state
The five winds whoosh about the body mandala
Jewels offer jewels to jewels
There at in-between time – the sacred twilight
Transition of time, like fire is transition of matter
She is Grandmother and Daughter over and again in the tribe each becomes the other
She is a cycle linking generations sewing the tribe mind in a rhythmic stitch
She transmits her milky golden light to those below
We of earth receive her like goats, horses, or cows standing still in the morning sun of a cool day
Statues of smoky breath plugged in for charging
The bursting heart beauty of the Wahoo Tree hangs in the cool daze
Hidden in the dark moist ravine of her rocky thighs is the Maidenhair Fern.
Coyotes howl and yip like a drunken gang of hillbilly sirens
Anxiety attends their blood-hunger family
My back rests on the Oak and my gaze on the concentric light mingling with sky haze
She gives distance to the night
I ask for direction even as I spin the raggedy medicine wheel
Sky and Earth and their incessant sex play
His Penis chases her through the heavens
Twilight consumes the day and Dawn hides the night
Only the loop returns but the line is doomed to wander were it not for curved space
Find the loop in the scrying pool
One day perhaps the splatter will return to the egg and another Universe will ensue
But for now we are stuck with time and matter
Mage locked in the crystal
No Gnostic extraction can win the day
Isolated desolation or just another War in Heaven looms in the barely possible
Perhaps these mad abstractions can suck the poison closer to the surface
Let us dwell in moment by moment Medicine
Let us become Doctors of Awareness and Healers of Confusion
Sanity Sanatantra Dharma Asha Rta
Watch out for Cosmic Order and his unruly Twin
High then Deep then Refined
Layers within Layers, Levels within Levels
Not with words is Wisdom defined
Nor is it concerned with Angels and Devils
The great Orb, she cleverly steals the Sun’s kind rays unaimed
and distills them into her silvery ocean sheen untamed
Souls gathered now may travel where they may according to the appointed way
A tear for time and love for children
The seed assures us it will be OK.

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