Saturday, September 24, 2011

Skin Face Language Dance

Skin Face Language Dance

Our walls are fortresses to which we can fall back after forays to the wall of the commons        
   and the fortresses of others.

Our clothing, our skin, our mating garb flails about us as we dance for our friends
Check this out! Love me, for my dancing can engage your mind in the wondrous
   illusion of entertainment.

One another we entertain, we feign, with craving and grasping minds we seek and reach
The maddening roar of the whore, futuristic and polytheistic
Sampling gods and lovers under temples and covers
Promiscuity for mere gratuity of experience

We each a center tethered to our mates tarred and feathered
Hiding in jesting and gesturing as we fear boredom and duty

The cult of me is free to be free of the cult of me
We shrug all smug and long and pretend to be snug as a bug in a rug
But we are lost and swayed by hopes and fears and time’s fade
And we suck, we are stuck, and we don’t seem to give a fuck
Secrets, some safe and some longing to be revealed
Our strip tease may only appease the frantic unease
Tit for tat and the smell of a rat
But this lame confetti is just so petty

Whirl with me Oh Ecstasy but gingerly
For to prefer the state of purr is to defer to find the ease of mind
Oh sickly quest and sickly rhyme
Purge me of this grisly grime
Words fail me, words impale me
We seek to know them, we seek to show them
Dance with me we say for then our trance will be OK

Ghosts we all become after we cross the boundaries of the energy levels
Shells of the dead litter the realms as the very matter within them
Meanings lost in the anxiety of variety

Longing to hurl the cloak and go within
And dwell at length between thoughts

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