Tuesday, May 17, 2011

May Moon Mist

May Moon Mist

Soft and Cool the Misty Veil Conceals the Golden Glory of Solar Fire
Wandering aimlessly among the rippling waves of anxiety, another foreboding mist
Concealed is the fiery glow of focus and purpose, the Might of Will

Days and Nights go by and what have we done? What have we become?
What we are doing and being now is all that matters in our worlds in tatters
Plans and schemes are often the means to fill the gaps between
   how things are and how things seem

The Cool Flow of Evening hides the Warm Fire of Morning
The heaviness of satiation and fatigue hides the crest of the harness of potential energy
The veils of change mask the sweet illusion of continuity
Feelings come and go yet we follow them as they fade into the mist
And we wake up wondering how we got here

It is so easy to forget the Sun when the mist casts its wet shadow
The Sun knows no decline laughing its rays behind the misty gray
The Sun knows no Gloomy Day above the clouds
Just so the play of toxic emotions casts blinders about us
Even thought hides truth in the false promises of words

We engage the world with our senses we students of pleasure and pain
From this comes that, and we scan for plan, pattern, and model
Anomaly and contrast call our notice like the bright flower calls bird and bug
The Mist hides the Sun but the Sun is still there Unseen Unfelt Unknown
Causes and Conditions of our own design surround us
Our choices adorn us, Our inner voices norn us our fates
The past holds aloft the present and the present holds aloft the likely future
The past calls out to be repeated, we have the choice of whether to heed
But habit breeds like rabbit and the family is soon quite vast untended
Our children demand that we care for them and so we are leaves in the wind
   nurturing the results of our actions which follow one another in mad chains

May Moon Mist hides the Burning Summer, a fragile and tenuous operation
The transience of time intermingles with its vast depth
Such a strange illusion of big and little ensues as a speck of dust meets infinite space
Flowers color the forest for but an instant as we try to savor some moments
   that merely seem more precious than others
A beautiful place to meditate or watch the sun rise, or fall
But it rises here and falls there and time mars beauty

Fear and Beauty motivate
They are both Hopes
One to elude and the other to capture
And the sages watch as we chase our tails with great vigor
We pursue this and elude that
And Chase is the game of the day
Somewhere beyond the Veil, the Moon is planning to Rise Unseen
   and flash silvery light along the roof of the Mist
Yet the Mist can’t stem the Tides that follow the Luna
And our waters are swirled and massaged as is the Way

They say that the Spheres, the Objects, the Particles, come from Above and Beyond
And that from Below and Within come the Energy Waves
Yet it is only the pallet of Space that reveals them even to Be
To Know and to See
Thought is merely another sense-door
Words are further removed

I really want to sit in silence somewhere beyond the busy storm crisis of distraction
Perhaps I will

Friday, May 13, 2011

Babalon Woman

Babalon Woman

Lady of the Clan   Sharer of Energy and Space
Babalon Daughter, Liberating force
Body party, Fresh Cake of Delight
Heat, moisture, and breath perched at Gates of Change
Blaster of habits, Keeper of the New
Soft, jeweled majesty of youthful vigor beauty
Attention and Awe adorn thee

Whore Mother feeding the dream-cravings of those who long to join with Other
Enterer of realms, Crosser of thresholds
Sampler of god-forms, Gatherer of the fruits of initiation
None may come or go lest they pass through your gate
From you we Arrive and To you we Return
But this is Maya, the wife of Infinity
For the Great Wisdom Mother is all pervasive
Pure Lotus Mother ungraspable and unfathomable

We are the New Woman Paradigm, blasting away all slave-views of the broken past

Beware of the false-whores of old, swindlers, and uncaring ego-beasts
Feigned allure and predictable deception
Maid-servants of fearful monstrous greed-kings
Promiscuity complexes and promise cure of release
Variety and Diversity crave ye patrons of love taverns
Strange addictions catch us in their gory hooks
To me To me Intimacy, a fitting fit for stick and slit
Mind to Mind makes Body to Body small
But when all appearance becomes the beloved there is no thirst

We sculpt her icons in the imaginary stones of mindstuff
As we ride the roads to the deafening crescendo
We offer mantras, sense delights, and bliss-waters

Babalon Grandmother of Great Age, Wed the wise land ye shaman-chieftains
She lets fall her apron strings and is raped by soothing Sun Beasts as rocks grow
Cure us of our suicidal ways Old Woman of the Mist
Ornery and Mad Cackling Witch Aunt of the Clan
With sagging skin and breasts she laughs yet with life’s allures
Casting lots of gene-psyche she Norns familial futures

Swathed in your Scent of Allure, Your Egregore
‘Tis your Form, Your Hype, As Archetype
Mother of Peace, Emblem of War
Surveyor of the Unknown, Swallower of Womb-Abyss
Your Mysteries confound we fools who shake sticks
We ploughers of vulvas strive to win the focus of your gaze, the power of your attention
Lady of Laughter, of Luck, of Yelping Fire, of Fuck
Fearless Maiden of Lions, Doctoress of Hearts and Loins
She is a Taker and She is a Sender, transcending even Biology and Gender
Aspire her to Equalizer, as True Love knows no boundary of preference
What shall we offer her? How shall we bring her force to the fore?
How shall we Beasts carry her aloft as a Savioress?

Heal us of Our Wounds, Salve our Sores of Desire
Bring us Dreams of Knowledge of How to Die
Save us from the Illusion of Pure and Impure
For Godless God is a Whore
And that is no fallen word here
Goddess of Love and the Wish for Other’s Happiness
Born of the Foaming Wine she scorns blood and sorrow
Her smile blesses blissful union but her frown cuts enemies as a sharp sword
With poison she came and with a fortunate smile
Her beauty and power sickens men of old ways
Her reservoir is the vast vista of boundlessness
Birth gate, cum gate, prana gates, death gate, and all inevitable motion to and fro
As she slumbers her mouth blocks the road to heaven
May she awaken and soar through the crowns of yogin-kings
I merely pretend to understand

Heruka-Dakini merges with space

Monday, May 9, 2011

Beltane in the Forest

Beltane in the Forest

A day for witches and too our fiery ilk

Tall trees and gurgling waters adorn the healthy hollow
Perky people plunder the springtime pageant-flower
Circle and spiral, give and take and lead and follow
Noumen of the land and maegen of the folk
   mingle and mix amongst infant magick-bower

Seductive allure and symbolic decor garb the giddy kindred
Joy and bawdy, body delight, jingle like giggling chime bells
Crescent horns echo below as Hathor’s Mirror reflects green blessings
Ha, the lads and lasses frolic fearless firm and aware
This is good for we always die tomorrow

The wisdom of the circle rings and whirls about
In friendly warm embraces
In hip hoops and drum heads
In lovers trading rings

May wheel, May cone, May whirl, May pole
Glistening love-stick adorns the sky
Obelisk bathed in misty sunlight

The summer stone wears wind and rain and ground and sun
O’er the fire, go blessing-leaps
All fire is One Fire, burning away the winter crone’s mad drudge
Tend well the sprouts and the babes of the herds

Hugs and smiles of old friends and new
Crafts and wiles of artists, and styles to view

Amongst ferns and flowers wild, I quickly fit
   the Merlin’s cloak
Tree rings hidden in the sky
Time and mind swirl amidst realm-gates,
   Beech scrolls, and spirit holes

Gnarled trunks and crooked branches
Amulet-runes and spirit bottles
Herbs and stones and jeweled garlands
Songs and dances and wishing spells

Java charms and mythic musings accompany the traveler-dudes
As we take the flame-thoughts home to alight our hearths
And so goes away another fine day
   for witches and their ilk in the mighty month of May

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Pyramid Schemes

Pyramid Schemes

Ah I will make ye up oh king tomb entrance to time frazzled within
Foundation container with roof point skyward centered
Grain slows the people and holds them together
You slow the grain and hold it together in storage
Surplus is power 
Status and Trade beckon

The Grain King is buried amongst his seeds
Transformation of mind and body and land and sky
Worlds united by the world tree and Many to One Invisible Central Post

Grain sprouts from Earth and here it returns to darkness
Awaiting further change into energy
Fat seeds of Food Power
Bread for hungry bellies

Oven of the earth
Oven of the granary
Oven of fire
Oven of the belly
Oven of excrement
And the cycle begins anew as the waste feeds the land

These grains live and die according to the stars and sun
And so too does their Lord
Pageant of the King’s Death plays on and on
Until his child eclipses him as the Granary of the world becomes clever
With the hemispheres of the world and brain connected there is integration
And so it is always spring or summer somewhere on the sphere
And time variety yields a continuous harvest
So too does the Bio Dome wisdom

Gods seem to fade where the bridge connects the known and little known
The mind of visions is hard to find
Darkness and isolation may be required

Whole Grain Whole Mind Whole World
Big Round Cereal Grass Seed Sphere
Open your secrets and cycles for we children yearning for unfettered knowing

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Lady of Jabel

Lady of Jabel

Along the warm sea coasts of wise and kindly folk
An open-air temple of cut stone overlooks the waves
Here the Nature Mother adorns her industrious people

She disdains the savagery of conquest and oppression
In favor of clever networks sharing and distributing her abundance
Sacred Kings are merely her distant cousins
Here the Circle is Balanced and there is Council

Her swift ships protect her folk from the madness of the world
Isis herself sees fit to suckle one of her very babe kings in showing a great pact
She abides by contract and is appeased by its honor

Her folk are immortal – hidden from the profane by secret honor
Rising from the deadening blows of mad enemies
The rebirth of the Phoenix hidden from their restless eyes

She smiles on the Lord of Health and Well-Being
Her children explore enjoyment yet keep sober wits

May her egregore rise again among the fray who truly care
May the circle be unbroken and the council be in tune
Harmony is her legacy
Love is her Essence
Peace is her Nature
Wisdom is her domain

The Wise flower is hard to grow among the coarse weeds of ignorance
She rises in fertile realms protected from callousness
She resembles the Eastern Swan Mother who strums among the shining ones
Fragile and delicate is the Natural World
She appears with her children and is gone when conditions allow not their way
They know how to disappear into the contemporary

May she arise among us secret travelers whose enemies attack us from within
May the wise council rule within and without
She is the mother of the power of the sharing of words and bounty
Her folk are wise explorers who make the ability to go where even the hardiest of
    warriors fear to tread

Her folk connected the vicious and suspicious world of tribes
So come ye fellow travelers – Let us make merry and hold Our Lady aloft

The TONIC and the TOXIC

The TONIC and the TOXIC

One fine line divides this from that
Phurba-dart of mind rends the horizon
Injecting the poison to subdue the demon of wild danger

In sickness and in health do we travel time and space
That which heals and that which kills share an essential palace
Points of contact, Points of contrast
The eyes and the heart and space unconfined
Mountain and Sky conjoined

We burn earth blood and earth flesh for comfort and creativity
We threaten the future of life with our devouring
We aspire to leave no marks and tend this garden
Yet we still walk the fine line of hypocrisy
What color is your mind comrade?

Beyond praise and blame, Unfettered by guilt and shame
Knowing both infamy and fame

Unaffected by loss and gain, Free of the slavery of pleasure and pain
Knowing both boon and bane

The eight selfish aims are as dew on sunlit grass to the sage without ego

All phenomena appears as medicine to the quiet river traveling patient
All phenomena appears as poison to the patient traveling the path of turbulent rapids
The river appears to go, from fierce headwaters to smooth and steady mouth
The Nile is a meandering Line, from hidden source along motherly course
Earth and Water neutralize poisons while Fire transfers them to Air where they linger

Aspire to be the happy friend of the Nature Mother
Aspire to keep the toxic from devouring life
Aspire to imbibe the nourishing tonic
The old world culture of poison devours us
Let us be vigilant without the poison of bias and hatred
May the dangerous group-mind of misconception be subdued
Yet may we re-dedicate ourselves continually to authenticity and self-honesty
Toxins warm our hearts and feed our joys
Yet we ferry poison elixirs o’er dangerous lands
Strange drugs intoxicate the questing knights
Possibilities of symbiosis lurk among the tribal enemies Us and Them
True Collaboration is most potent medicine to keep manifest the mandala

One fine line separates the healer from the killer
One fine precipice separates the earth and the sky
One fine line separates guilt and self-congratulations
Mindful vigilance is required to tend the mine-garden
The ore-wisdom is revealed and the techno priests swarm to the quickening
Training in technique is the armor of the battle-ready warrior
Attack Not. Leap Not. Retreat Not. Mountain Goat Fool wanders along.

One fine line fades into the horizon-gate and all is integrated space.