Monday, October 1, 2012

We and the Worlds

We and the Worlds

The sun seems to say – Go make hay!
These moments are all we have
Sweet ones and sour ones
Weak ones and power ones
Moments in the light and moments hidden in the darkness unseen unaware
Always racing the moments as they fall away into the past
But in the dead morning of sleep there is no racing
The deep night morning seems to scoff – Blow it off!

Things are always rising and falling, without and within
Turning in and out by day and night, by summer and winter, by youth and old age

The sweet sun’s power makes strong focus in its hour
The heart of the day seems to wail – I cannot fail!

The darkness leaves a hint of the restful, yet foreboding
   that sleep will rise soon and take thee from this realm
This time seems a question show – Should I stay or should I go?

We travel nightly. We rest. We dream. We scan. We recharge. We learn.
We traverse from here to gone to here to gone
We take off one time and put on another
Are we then continuous or broken into fragments?

Perhaps we are the Source Code, a flower emanating from the center of the Universe –
each of the infinite petals a possibility, a parallel universe,
each a child of the Mother-Universe that is impossible yet just is
Wisdom Play of infinite sphere and infinitesimal point
Speck-Father and Space-Mother
Innies and Outties



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