Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Passing Through the Gate of Darkness

Passing Through the Gate of Darkness

Dark of Moon, Dark of Moon
Listless and barren gray, as the dusk paints over the day
And I wander around this lonely border land

I keep thinking I see sparkling gems but when I get closer I see
   that they are just tricks of the light
I remember longing for belonging and being led on by appearance
It’s a tyranny of experience this fake show of shells
Style o’er substance in a stuck dance of bimbo gods
And this is just the odds of clanning where this he dwells

Not waning nor waxing this limbo is taxing
Lest we summon the talents to rest in this balance
   of neither here nor there, betwixt the moving and the fixed
Where the crooked and the fair dare to compare the sublime and subliminal
As I rhyme like a criminal condemned by rage and old age
Or so I fear yet Now is still Here and the mage in the cage is a sage I wage
But not so says tomorrow as we go down the roads and put on the loads
Our minds change and change and wax and wane and wander and wither

Work and work and yoga and food and in this timing and rhyming
   there is nausea and unease
An anima enema to subdue the animal enemy
What fate would intimidate?
What intimate sentiment would dominate the gate to knowing?
Swim well ye in the afterlife dance, oh fish woman of going.

Corn mother Cow mother
Norn mother Sow mother
Smother me in your bosom for I have fallen, er leaped, into the sky of hell
Anger bodes not well
Speech is demonic when the toxic eclipses the tonic
Oh how I wish I could flow with the mad rush of fierce companions
Perhaps a tiny sliver of crescent light will heal this deluded fool.



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