Going Through the Motions, and Resting in Potions
We are all so fallible, and some so blatantly gullible
that it is hard to
bear, hard not to tear them out of their dumbshitnessWe are all so hopelessly conditioned, and some so clearly deficient
that it is hard to care, hard not to scare them out of their numb-fitness.
I wonder and I wonder again why I am so invisible, so
miserable, to other humans
Machine-gunfire peppers the cool autumn air
A bit of anxiety grips me but time rolls in and out of this
and that
Optimism and security are illusory yet compelling
Searching for applied kindness opportunity and the
building of community
Or so it seems as the one and the many tango in the big
illusion of separatenessThe lost finesse of bridging the gaps but the artist now naps with money
And the hive lacks honey.
We do what we do according to the cultural formulae
I wish I wish that depths could be plumbed and pains could
numbed a bitJust sit. Just so. That is All.
Easy and Difficult mingle in strange ways that baffle the
sleepy aging mind
For better or worse we grow old and dieIn sickness and in health we wander on as far as we can.
Why fret? why worry? Why regret? Why be sorry?
Just do as well as you can now.