Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Ode to the Noble Sons and Daughters of the Wolf

Ode to the Noble Sons and Daughters of the Wolf

Honor among thieves, unspoken codes
Castaways with shifty eyes downcast
Foreboding shadows in the distance and the sparkle of eyes
A hard life of seeking flesh to devour
Straggly stragglers all
Cursed and hungry rogues
The cruelty of nature fills my heart with doubt
Yet among the outcastes and scapegoats are those who feign not

The winter is momentarily mild and so the dire swords of ice retreat
The lowland green is fair revealed, so rare at this piece of the wheel
Currents of the elements flow along in their domains and between heaven and earth

Questions and wonderings beset me
What will become of this or that?
Who are these folk I run with?
What will be the fate of the pack?
And how do these packs convene?
Pax. Peace. Peace and Hunger in contradiction.
Death sentences revealed, in capture, in cancer, in old age
We chase food and dreams and rest and death chases us
Death always gets its prey
All we can do is accept whatever appears and be mindful of the moments
   and their passengers as they swing by, hang out, and take off

Bitter resentment mixes with regret, with fear, with rage, with shame and remorse
To know even for a moment the essence of the criminal’s fate is know the gaze of hatred
Shame and regret spark a fire of motivation but this fire can consume the homestead
Best to leave well alone after a while and move on
Festering wounds consume the weakened and bewildered

Tomorrow ever threatens to appear
Duties keep us from other pursuits

But from somewhere appears the manifestation of care and pardon
Acknowledgement of the freedom to be
Let the wise wolf buck up and smile on the world
The wise wolf that watches the world, that followed early man, and lay at his feet
The faithful comrade and watcher
Family and social contact rule and the decision of the tribe is final
There is only the pack, the loose confederation to collaborate for food
Clap for the wolfman brother for he is you in the language of the pack

A day wandering alone scrubbing earth and straddling scum ditches
Life is painful. For some unsane murderers the pain turns to rage and rampage
Tragedy is often the fate of wolves and their prey
The moon adds sight to scent
Scents tell stories and reveal paths to food
This language of animals is a matter of life and death, but too of sex and knowledge
Wolf’s bane and wolf’s gain, all manner of stress and strain
May we all be aware of each moment intimately
   whether that moment be adorned with comfort or utter horror
Be with the quality
Be with the nature of mind

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