Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Ah of Blah

The Ah of Blah


Flotsam and jetsam in the info sea
The messy world mingles with mind and we flirt with hope and dread

Longing is ever near, but this is the charge, the charge of the word mage
The urge to share is ferociously unstoppable
To dazzle with the clever and the cute, is moot
Tis the ecstasy of the flow that I wish you to know
Fuck product, embrace process
Dance till you die, then dance yet again

Conspire with me oh thee and thee and we three shall be free
Oblique obliteration through the elixir alliteration

Epic fail is my wail as I rage against the onset of age
Wisdom and folly ever entwine

What did you worship today?
Society is a tragedy without intimacy
Butt sniffing strangers hover and retreat

Duty ne’er stops calling and nature’s laws prevail
Yet we seek to bypass these and appease the fools who wear us down
The inertia of our structures impedes us and sparks paranoia and suspicion

All I can do is blather on and hope for some miracle of mind-blowing Dialogue
For Dialogue is what is needed. Real dialogue not eloquent elegant splatter
I dare you to dance
Appear and I shall elevate you my friend unseen

Culture numbs with comfort foods and comfort shows and impulse buys
The perennial lure of addiction fits so well with this idle mind culture
Bend bend, bend beyond, bend thoroughly beyond, transcend
Oh how I love beauty and multi-layered harmony and oh how I long to see it everywhere
The loom way of tantra allows this concordant universe of unfettered godliness
So dwell here do I in the mandala palace
One future among many is as good as any
But alas, the contrastless godlessness of unbounded space allows no horizon
Planes and domains, helms and realms, seem to hold us in our places
These are ruled by habit energy, our most prominent lords

For now all I can do is let words leak out

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