Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A Sigh to the Memory of Carefree Wanton Folly

A Sigh to the Memory of Care Free Wanton Folly

Wherever I go everyone seems a stranger
Barriers, everywhere there are barriers
For this cuts down on heartache and danger
Its disease of suspicion and we are the carriers

We hoard and guard the secrets of our folly
And hide our tender flesh behind rough armor
In the field of possibility we long to dally
But we settle to play the safe game of charmed and charmer

What I mean is this and this is it
We are weak flacid strings and ne’er tightly knit
Society has fallen into stale comfort custom
We, abiders and conformers to style and system

Even the dance of rebellion falls to the entropy of decay
For the protocol of support rarely smiles and shares momentums
For today is more of yesterday, and tomorrow more of today
And for that all beauteous dreams become phantoms

I merely complain of the lack of great fields of love and merit
I merely remain at the hands of this strange world of the human
We merely follow rules and repeat past patterns like a parrot
We merely hallow what they tell us and give conceptual noumen

To hell with your silly rules and your compliance endorsing glares!
False gesture smothers the chance for hospitable heartfelt courtesy
To hell with your rhymes and meter!
Come ye all down from your pedestals and wallow with us in the muck.
You know you want to.

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