Saturday, December 3, 2011

Salt Strange Salt Sea Change

Salt Strange Salt Sea Change

White sizzling cloud of burning dry water flavor
Ye who preserves, protects, and slays us, piece by piece and cell by cell
The body succumbs to decay from the moment of birth
For birth initiates death

Ye maker of thirst and the cycles of polar energy
Balance of within and without
Ye have comrade ions
Component of battery-pump-motor of every little body within the Body
Ye endlessly separate and recombine changing form whether within or without

Ye hide unseen in moisture and the sea
Ye fence in mages
Ye anion generator under heat

Cleanser of parasitic bugs come to make new again
Clear the channels of sludge and debris

Ye are the Body and the keeper of the body
Ye are delicate and soothing yet dangerous and fickle
For I am not only me but “boo”
These are the bacteria that surround me and live among and within me
Ye regulate them and trim them from overpower
So I am only apparent, as one among many, dreaming that I am

Death takes us to invisible realms as the ocean takes you
But we can bring you back out with the Sun
What Sun can precipitate us?
They say there may be a Sun beyond the Sun that may be a harvester of souls
But no one Knows.
We paint pictures of unknown lands
And confound memory with imagination
Reality becomes lost in wandering moments

The sea may become trapped by earth and fill as its boundaries erode
Then the salt desert may be born as the sea dies
For ye are in the sea but is the sea in you?
May ye be medicinal for the dosage makes the poison
May we not crave to drink the ocean
For such fools are doomed to fail

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