Friday, December 16, 2011

3 AM So This is Now

3AM So this is Now

Ghosts of beauty and ghosts of talent
Haunt me no more
Bits and pieces of culture, fusion and fission
I long for brothers and sisters
For family

I can’t sleep
The hidden glory of the past unscathed

I wither away in foreign lands
A few measly moments here and there among sort of kin and the rest with strangers

I am tired of longing

Perhaps I should take you or break you or abandon ship
False worlds of language and pictures occupy us

We seem to long for change in a world that never stops changing
Please come and stare at this wall with me
Let us abandon all thought and mind together

Let tendencies rise and fall
Cherish order yet accommodate chaos
Youth has faded and everywhere I go there are only crossroads
The world is vast and multifaceted
What shall we do and where shall we go?
Whom should I court and how shall I ensnare them with the hook of love?

Authenticity is hard to find and hard to hold onto once found
We retreat into our forests of habit and fall prey to folly

These wretched words they stain my moments
All I am doing is cowering from silence

Slight agony is persistent but bearable
So this is now

Monday, December 12, 2011



Moon flower bright in the sun’s night light
Bloom power sprite in fun’s right might
To leap alight allure aloft oh leap across the moon
Fairy and scary and skald and skunk oh paint a tune a rune

Glowing globe smiles down on threads of a connected world
Wave-particles travel space and wires in no time
Packets are sent, encrypted, received, and deciphered

The soft folds of her petals conceal secret essences
Concealment and revelation is her cycle of slivers and circles

The body language of nature ever babbles

Tenseness of times and planning and wooing and mucky yucky work

Her curves interrupt my problem-solving trance oh Lotus Goddess
   who allures with the infinity of her petals

Gestures of offering give order and peace to the motions of the body
Can we seamlessly morph from one trance to another?
Nothing to grasp or keep in dream-like Samadhi 
All appearance is play at the moment’s interface

Moonflower Night flower Winter flower
Flower out of place and flower out of time
Moonflower uniting the realms of poets
Hidden in the facade of consensual reality
Unseen by conditioned eyes
Exquisite nectar flows, in my dreams

May we be free of clatter says the hypnagogic chatter
Moon salutation balances tire the prana container
And corpse pose balances the twilight state betwixt awareness and slumber
Then the body falls away and naturalness abides

Rahu comes to swallow yet again as the cycles of appearance ever unfold
The nodes are a much longer series of phases, seasons of the sky
The sky and time revealed secrets to the watchers

More dreams of secret towns in this ever foreign culture land
The dying peck at the dead and we hide away their corpses
I hide my way back along the gully, an unlikely deceiver
I casually converse with my would-be pursuer
Anxiety hovers
So what comes up from this mix? I wonder
I dream often of the field where the moon rises
Another place too with a deep dark river current
That is a place of gates and dams
And a hill where appeared alien ships
Dreams and memories of dreams
This is too a record of the time

Oh Moonflower you only come out at night
In the long night of winter you shine lonely as beings cave up

The illusion of the line is betrayed as an endless series of crescents,
   zigging and zagging through curved space like streams on globes with nodes and lobes
Subtleties beyond our grasp dance before us
We give chase

This is an endless song of realization, to whatever degree of refinement
It is a record of the time, of dreams, ideas, aspirations, of currents current
All swimming together in a mythic soup spiced with meter and rhyme
   and alluring alliteration
Strands dissolve and combine. Birds disappear and return. Seasons eclipse one another.

I am alone. We are all alone. Captured in bodies that we encourage to betray us.
I attempt to touch you with words. Probes of hair seeking strange knowledge.
Songs of strangers and news of the day.
Strangely I long for swirl, the whirlpool’s invincible force sucking universes away

Water seeks the lowest spot and the truth it seeks the surface
Guilt sometimes pushes it out and then it becomes worthless

Searching for a lie to tell my friends in hell

Back there in your nervous chair
You take it so easy that you just don’t care

Song words of a questing boy child. Oh how time goes on
I am still tribeless except for this small clan of disparate elements

Possibly, maybe, even probably – they all fall away without wily pestering
Availability and offering chances of glory shall lure them, yes?
We shall see
Putting out kin feelers and waiting for cha ching
Oh how I long to recognize my spirit family in others

I breathed in your presence oh Rahu of devouring
Dark moon of the full
Now to recite the words of goodness clothed in qualities
And to see the flower after and beyond the great devour
Oh how appearances deceive the mind of the unmindful

I swooped in and entered the heart of the city but courage fell silent
   in the places where each is to his own
I manage to read about the folly that that the yogi transcends
No matter as I make my way back home to be among the species in the clan

I am sitting in a room and “something” is all encompassing
Or so says the hypnopompic word machine

Did we make words or did words make us?
Some fall away meaningless and impotent
Others intrigue, inspire, and incite

Players enter pictures and what becomes? Interesting at least at first but I am wary
Moon dark offers to hand to old paradigms disguised as new
Good luck with that and more of the same only slightly ahead of yesterday
I wish I could find something to get behind but nothing presents itself

We are indeed Zombies, moving unfazed toward goals that call us like machines
We notice naught but our illusory goals

Time to cut off this trickling faucet of questionable questions

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Hero's Attendant

The Hero’s Attendant

What meaneth this or that?   Conversation is oral sex
There is struggle and seeking of the unruly blissful whirlwind of transformation

Dark night and dark green evergreen tree stretches to the sky
Then lies down ill in a bed
Gnomish dark-haired woman is the spirit of the tree

Seeking the hive I find it exposed and on fire but inside
First inside a van full of books, then inside an old and large store
Yet still aflame – what of the hivemates?

Dreams, thoughts, desires, and all else gather here on the pallet
   without too much or too little structure

The meaning balances with the flow,
   pattern recognition with the transfer of energy

Thoughts ride on the Wind

What is there to know?

Body, Feelings, Mind, and the Figments of Mind

Know is not the best word. We can only watch, observe, listen
Formulating these observations into models is the way of science
     but the way of meditation is to choose method over goal of method

What will become of us?
Will we transform and grow?
Will we die as confused as now?
Will we continue our charades and follies?
Balance. Equanamity. Impartiality. Evenness of Mind.
How can we invoke the unswayable?

We who cultivate the energy of longing
May we subtly channel it into aspiration
May this aspiration feed us and pervade our memory
May the hero of awakening be ever our companion

A Sigh to the Memory of Carefree Wanton Folly

A Sigh to the Memory of Care Free Wanton Folly

Wherever I go everyone seems a stranger
Barriers, everywhere there are barriers
For this cuts down on heartache and danger
Its disease of suspicion and we are the carriers

We hoard and guard the secrets of our folly
And hide our tender flesh behind rough armor
In the field of possibility we long to dally
But we settle to play the safe game of charmed and charmer

What I mean is this and this is it
We are weak flacid strings and ne’er tightly knit
Society has fallen into stale comfort custom
We, abiders and conformers to style and system

Even the dance of rebellion falls to the entropy of decay
For the protocol of support rarely smiles and shares momentums
For today is more of yesterday, and tomorrow more of today
And for that all beauteous dreams become phantoms

I merely complain of the lack of great fields of love and merit
I merely remain at the hands of this strange world of the human
We merely follow rules and repeat past patterns like a parrot
We merely hallow what they tell us and give conceptual noumen

To hell with your silly rules and your compliance endorsing glares!
False gesture smothers the chance for hospitable heartfelt courtesy
To hell with your rhymes and meter!
Come ye all down from your pedestals and wallow with us in the muck.
You know you want to.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Salt Strange Salt Sea Change

Salt Strange Salt Sea Change

White sizzling cloud of burning dry water flavor
Ye who preserves, protects, and slays us, piece by piece and cell by cell
The body succumbs to decay from the moment of birth
For birth initiates death

Ye maker of thirst and the cycles of polar energy
Balance of within and without
Ye have comrade ions
Component of battery-pump-motor of every little body within the Body
Ye endlessly separate and recombine changing form whether within or without

Ye hide unseen in moisture and the sea
Ye fence in mages
Ye anion generator under heat

Cleanser of parasitic bugs come to make new again
Clear the channels of sludge and debris

Ye are the Body and the keeper of the body
Ye are delicate and soothing yet dangerous and fickle
For I am not only me but “boo”
These are the bacteria that surround me and live among and within me
Ye regulate them and trim them from overpower
So I am only apparent, as one among many, dreaming that I am

Death takes us to invisible realms as the ocean takes you
But we can bring you back out with the Sun
What Sun can precipitate us?
They say there may be a Sun beyond the Sun that may be a harvester of souls
But no one Knows.
We paint pictures of unknown lands
And confound memory with imagination
Reality becomes lost in wandering moments

The sea may become trapped by earth and fill as its boundaries erode
Then the salt desert may be born as the sea dies
For ye are in the sea but is the sea in you?
May ye be medicinal for the dosage makes the poison
May we not crave to drink the ocean
For such fools are doomed to fail