Monday, November 12, 2012

The Mad-Laughter Ease of Befuddlement

The Mad-Laughter Ease of Befuddlement

Bifurcation point
Tipping Point
Twilit Threshold
New Stability Order

A mad chaotic symphony of desires constantly hounds me
Hunger, thirst, sloth, duty, ambition
Cycling along through day and through night
I am but a bewildered victim of this blight
Of my own habitual making

Through sincerity and faking
I waddle along befuddled
With plans gloriously constructed then scuttled

Oh to break on through and then what to do
Time and circumstances remind me of ripe fruit left to rot
Being is always possible
Going never stops
If only we could go thoroughly beyond the fetters of conditions
If we could root only in naked awareness
Unbodied by sensory domains and their endless illusions

Trending Now is what minds are tending now
Selective realities encumber us
Overlords and underlings in scenarios of hierarchy
The lure of view and vista says look out and savor the experience
The tasting of food is so transient
Like medicine that soothes pangs
We wander along making adjustments to various demands
Ever-tweaking the quest for the immediate experience
Deeper levels inaccessible as habitual doors lead us elsewhere
Apply filters. Filter out, filter in
Adjust the knobs on the receiver within
Tune into the emanations of the Multiverse and her children world-systems
May all confused beings discover and enjoy confusionless bliss and happiness.






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