Thursday, November 29, 2012

Lantern Moon Escorts the Troop of Night Folk

Lantern Moon Escorts the Troop of Night Folk

Reality Tunnel Crossroads Network of Network Node
This is my charade this masquerade
This word parade
Words once ripened now rotten
Words once remembered now forgotten
Dream words come and go
We long to decipher hidden knowledge

Venus poses as her fetch the fly to spy on the moon
And her flight cloud with the moon’s light shroud
Gives me fuzzy depth as I disorient

Sound bites and headlines are coaxes that besiege us with opinions and hoaxes
Tricks of the light that made us look
And thus our addiction feeds prediction

Death cuts us off. It pulls us up from the roots. Only fading memories remain.
Birds of a feather chained together awaiting their fate in a wandering whirlwind
Game Over
Yet what can we do now?

Deeper into the gaps of time and space we go to try and know the beyond within
Unadulterated being

Dharma is the essential dogma, the naked dogma without ulterior motives
First there is the prescription then there is the result of following the prescription

Fetterless Wisdom

As Is

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Hidden, it seems

Hidden it Seems

Hidden it seems is the key to this and that, to flow through to and fro
Lost it seems is the skill to part the veils
Abandoned it seems is the vigor of the moon honey

Seems is unstable and seems betwixt, reality and appearance
What ghosts hold our cognitions together?
What demons murmur and moan within?

How efficiently do we invest in spirits and deities?
We make juju-flow in our transactions with unseen realms
Sometimes we are hidden in the pill that bewitches us with beauty and skill

Even the Great Benevolence gets lost among lofty clouds
The Great Fascinator called Appearance lures attention
And back to the breath we come, to tend the flower of now

Hidden it seems are codes and paths through mazes
Breakthroughs and traits be gathered and navigated
May tech and knowledge merge with kindness and foresight

Lost it seems is the sense of abandon,
  the common encounter of the quickness of danger
Feigning and training trade blows and fight-flight flies and flows

Secrets hide behind doubts, confusions, and fears
The revealer of secrets is the Great Seductress
Defend the nest yet know that there are billions of galaxies

Hidden channels reveal the stolen elixir
Somewhere in the moment is hidden the perfect Wisdom
The Great Mother of Being protects her children, the universe

She pervades all of the manifestations of her Great Phallus
She impregnates herself into a Great Palace
Within her circumference we dwell here in the center where was born expanding

We seem Pillars in the Void
Wombs birth wombs and erections of light pierce them
As center and edge hide within one another

We cosmological heirs weave our tales in the myth-mind
What treasure will you pilfer in the Underworld?
Great Seamstress, Mother of Tantra, she sows realms together with her ribbon-winds

Our form, our voice, and our inner word-machine,
   into pond-ripples our projections change
Those ripples are remembered, remnants read the residue

We are not the impulses. We are not the photons. We are not the ether.
We don’t know what we are.
Even our own nature is hidden from us

How can we know anything?
We employ the Great Thief, Hermes
To bring us news of our nature

Krsna wallows in butter and spreads in every direction
Peacocks of light emanate rainbow feathers like the Big Bang
This becomes the fruit that attracts the Great Yogi.


We supplicate gods and feed demons
We supplicate wisdom and tend delusion
Contemplation and ecstasy are cut by the wheel of duty

Come ride on the wings of Garuda
Come and mount the slithering Serpent
Come and witness the power of the Lion

Dragon is our brother if we but understand
Current of signal that crosses the abyss of synapse
All the young Thoth dudes carry the Goth news

Spreading memes litter the pond with sparkling glitter-algae bloom
Bias-police, hoaxes, ruses, hooker-headlines, wizards of sales, and suggestive poses.
Let us delve to deeper level of web pulse knowings

The common denominator is the mind of knowing for love
Brotherly and motherly may we move




Monday, November 12, 2012

The Mad-Laughter Ease of Befuddlement

The Mad-Laughter Ease of Befuddlement

Bifurcation point
Tipping Point
Twilit Threshold
New Stability Order

A mad chaotic symphony of desires constantly hounds me
Hunger, thirst, sloth, duty, ambition
Cycling along through day and through night
I am but a bewildered victim of this blight
Of my own habitual making

Through sincerity and faking
I waddle along befuddled
With plans gloriously constructed then scuttled

Oh to break on through and then what to do
Time and circumstances remind me of ripe fruit left to rot
Being is always possible
Going never stops
If only we could go thoroughly beyond the fetters of conditions
If we could root only in naked awareness
Unbodied by sensory domains and their endless illusions

Trending Now is what minds are tending now
Selective realities encumber us
Overlords and underlings in scenarios of hierarchy
The lure of view and vista says look out and savor the experience
The tasting of food is so transient
Like medicine that soothes pangs
We wander along making adjustments to various demands
Ever-tweaking the quest for the immediate experience
Deeper levels inaccessible as habitual doors lead us elsewhere
Apply filters. Filter out, filter in
Adjust the knobs on the receiver within
Tune into the emanations of the Multiverse and her children world-systems
May all confused beings discover and enjoy confusionless bliss and happiness.






Thursday, November 1, 2012

Samhain Night Musing

Samhain Night Musing

Far far away from the merry month of May
Corpse of the grain king torn asunder, turned under
Twilit passages pass messages ‘twixt hidden states
While fates are strangely woven
Hooves cloven stomp barren earths
And tread girths of land on lonely forest paths
As wintry wraths threaten and growl
Now moon dogs howl at milky shimmering stars
And wind scars the snowy tenders
The veil renders await conditions

Now becomes then and chance gates close again
Back to the world of foes and friends
And to a kingdom that merely pretends
Green Man and Flower Maiden snatched by the lusty royals of Hades
Both men and ladies with thou strangely glowing shades
But high time fades and we are bound to our fates
Our loves and hates with but a smidgeon of luck
We wade through the muck of our days
With rarely a gaze beyond and between
Our programmed sheen of moments
Joys and laments rising and falling like waves
Enter the caves of the mother’s dark womb
Warm silent room of comfort and terror
And she the bearer is also the changer
So safety and danger rarely know one another
For each is the other and that is the quality of a lover
To cross over and explore the unknown
Conjoined or alone we can only but roam
Deeper into our home, the vastness of here and now





Lost Moon and Stormriders

Lost Moon and Stormriders

Green Man goin’ under, Gray Sky threatening thunder
Ghost Moon concealed as the abandoning sun retreats further

The days of fall, fall closer to winter’s barren frost
And the summer’s green boughs are lost
Their crispy corpses cover the ground
The land wears their dead bodies like a crown
As the Green Man goes down

Desolate landscapes reach lonely into distances vast
The basking humans have gone within to their gnome holes

Ancestor Moon, Bride of Frankenstorm Surge and One Wind Purge
Clashes and Faery Rides, Ice and Fire and Love and War
Forbidden lovers and children and chases
Walls of Folk in the Sky do battle in the Wild Hunt Storm

Round orb of imagination lurks in the shadows
Cloudy Ghouls hide it and no one can taste the countless reflections of glow
The power of shadow, like great wings across the meadow
Jack “Coldfinger” Frost promises to snap at us like a hungry rabid wolf
Serpent wind with swirling head
Please be gentle
Please be kind
Spare the little ones and ease their mind
Fire glow below, the Hearth, the Center, the Smoke Hole
The Spirit Moon Glows Yonder as queens take tithe and kings make bitter pledges
Snowy toes call out for fire

Oh drowned beings – be at peace
And frozen ones, frightened ones, desperate ones
Every change is a chance for freedom