At the Precipice
of Bewilderment
Marry the two and there is the illusion of power
Sympaths and Empaths all of us be
We are the Space Mother
No crests and troughs to adorn the play-mind
How can the wish for others to be happy be a law?
Children of the Wolf, wanderers of the lawless frontier
Strung and hung to be scorched amidst the red earth of the
Ecstasy is merely the ignorer of horror
Longing for the spontaneity of being
Armies of burning thought mount continuous assaults
Let Being and Becoming be gracefully merged in a Balance of
Traveling Laughter
Take ankh-flight to wherever
Find rest in restlessness
How shall we die oh comrades?
It was dog’s duty, I mean I was doing the duty of the dog
Welcome to the Eaters of Dung
No rapturism for me
Paying the invisibles the fees of concordance
Making spectacles
Shows and Transactions, entertainment and business
These be dividers, mind-splitting habits
Praise godlessness
Aha! We are perhaps not so chained to the past by cause and
effect as it so verily seems
Oh ye symbol worshippers yoked to your symbol-chariots
Techniques are just tools
Eyes are just sensory apparatus
Eye consciousness penetrates space and time and matter and
Omniscience OM-nescience
Karmic eyes and Wisdom Eyes may well differ
The hot Sun powers the world and we dream of capturing
apexes and zeniths
and distilling
essences and piercing the Solar Disk to enter the light-world of gods
Snakes with wings dance in the blurry worlds of possibility
Words are my only companion
We declare our divinity but no one hears or notices
Subtleties undetected ripple to towards the outer reaches of
the universe
only to reappear in
other places and times
Time passes and the Body decays
We go to dusts
But one thing I know here: sorrow will become joy and joy
will become sorrow
The Middle Way of the
Daughter of Justice
Somewhere betwixt all these goals and their poles
Somewhere along the strand of the speculative and the
Somewhere amidst the range of formal to informal
Somewhere beyond seeking one and not another
Indeed beyond distinction between self and other -
The single taste of preferenceless, referenceless balance
The Great Work is Just That
The Not-So-Great Worklessness is Just That
Etiquette is a double-edged sword
Envious of youth and skill I limp-wander along
Taking time the only way I know