Sunday, April 22, 2012

Dusk and Beyond

Through the Cusp of Another Dusk, Now at Midday Tomorrow

I play songs to the sunset, to the dusk, to the new night
I sing songs to the wheel of time that n’er stops
Day turns to night
Duty calls yet again. Sleep calls. Tomorrow beckons.

I wonder where I will go and what I will do but I know that I will
    wander quietly and alone, longing for banquets and other silly stories

I wish that humans and circumstances would awesomize the world around me
Blow my fucking mind please!
I am getting old and want to see some awesomeness among humans

I wish we could fly

I wish we could venerate and hold aloft the wishfulfilling  jewel

I wish we could bond deeper and work together for the benefit of countless others

I wish we could joyfully, dutifully, and regularly assemble, as equals, as elders,
    unencumbered with rank.

May the wisdom of the circle adorn us

The new leaves glimmering in the last glow of dusk say that we should join them,
    that we should play again with the spirits of the land.

Join me, the mantra of pairing, for friendship, for love, for work projects

Long have I made songs at dusk and long will I do so
Transition times do well with soothing songs and aspirational chanting
Liminal waves of change buffer the transmutation. Twilight songs abound.

Words fail to convey, and often confuse.
Here they are just a half-hearted attempt to pass along glimmering feelings

What if?
Things were faster, more intuitive, with more trust, more easily manifested.

Perhaps one day there will be a banquet.

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