Courting My Star Goddess
Oh Priestess of the Silver Star, Allow me to enter the gates of the sky
Offer me the wings to ascend beyond the earth’s pull of ego concerns
She, the arched yogini of the starry blue calls me hither to her
Mother of the Sun, the son concealed in your body, the night, by night
Open my eyes to the blue and gold
Our joys and ecstasies inseparably entwined
The sparks in the void are your speckled body
They shine and twinkle in our eyes beyond time
The milky road of the Swan of the north beckons us to imagine our starry ascension
A mythic motif among many, one as good as another, explore, explore
Great Mother of the Womb of Space, I offer you the sweet perfumed smoke of mind
Here she hovers over us as the sky, hiding her children
But space within is as space without, containers merely conceal
Boundlessness is your domainless domain
Ungraspable Mother of Wisdom, Perfection beyond Concept
Birther of Awakened Ones,
Akasha, Matrix of Knowing
I seek the repose and rejuvenation of your kisses, in dreams and visions
So that when I re-anchor to earthbound service, a sanctuary can be known
The sanctuary of your body of darkness and light is aid I seek
to help me hold aspirations of rescue of the stricken
Our star sisters and brothers wander in confusion and self-destruction
May we see clearly, beyond the reach of compelling unsavory ignorance
All myths and gods are flexible so compliance to models is not so dire
Such compliance enslaves beings
Hearing the erotic summons of the Star Goddess I chase the lover, infinity-mind
Rapture of the senses be a happy and easy joy without obsession
Accompany me now and then, here and there oh rapt one of infinite space
Cure the pangs, longings, phobias, distractions, and afflictions of romance and lust
Let there be a clear path to the will of awakened mind
I aspire to put on the wings of Freedom and Method
The Samadhi of your embrace I seek as a base
To you To you
The sky and the ground, the vast and profound
Reversal of poles, Geb and Nut
The tree of Geb reaches for the vaultless vault
Her circumference hidden in her womb, infinite space
Your inner ring, clitoris
Embracer of the weapon-tool of Horus
The dead and the dying, the despaired and deluded
They call out for help to an empty universe
We have only thought, word, and deed to offer, and that obliquely
Refine this ability
The godless, lawless blackness of unbounded space tells me that all scripts
are hopes and coaxing lies, fixes for the moment
I will not be ruled by words or confined to scripts and dogmas
There is no law that cannot be bent and broken
I am of the outcaste and seek not the approval of the orthodoxy
Despised, ignored, and dismissed, a hidden smirk adorns me
I court ye on my own terms as lovers do
No zealots relying on words can catch us
We are free and on the run from the enforcers of dogma
The blackfaced jackal wears the scent of death
Banished to the desert far from the rich river oasis
The old one of the serpent mother lives within in the cool caves below
I love you with light and I love you with darkness
For you are for me a symbol of the refined nature of all,
the unborn, unceasing nature of mind.