Sunday, April 22, 2012

Dusk and Beyond

Through the Cusp of Another Dusk, Now at Midday Tomorrow

I play songs to the sunset, to the dusk, to the new night
I sing songs to the wheel of time that n’er stops
Day turns to night
Duty calls yet again. Sleep calls. Tomorrow beckons.

I wonder where I will go and what I will do but I know that I will
    wander quietly and alone, longing for banquets and other silly stories

I wish that humans and circumstances would awesomize the world around me
Blow my fucking mind please!
I am getting old and want to see some awesomeness among humans

I wish we could fly

I wish we could venerate and hold aloft the wishfulfilling  jewel

I wish we could bond deeper and work together for the benefit of countless others

I wish we could joyfully, dutifully, and regularly assemble, as equals, as elders,
    unencumbered with rank.

May the wisdom of the circle adorn us

The new leaves glimmering in the last glow of dusk say that we should join them,
    that we should play again with the spirits of the land.

Join me, the mantra of pairing, for friendship, for love, for work projects

Long have I made songs at dusk and long will I do so
Transition times do well with soothing songs and aspirational chanting
Liminal waves of change buffer the transmutation. Twilight songs abound.

Words fail to convey, and often confuse.
Here they are just a half-hearted attempt to pass along glimmering feelings

What if?
Things were faster, more intuitive, with more trust, more easily manifested.

Perhaps one day there will be a banquet.

Sun God of Action

Sun God of Action

The view is the vast vista, the path is the single point
The task is transcendent knowing and selfless kindness
The point of the spear is destruction and persuasion, regime change
The foe be shocked and awed by the might and magick of the force of the age
The rebel who smites rebels

Deconstruction, reform, retrofitting, retiring, repairing, re-configuring
Re-arranging the furniture of the temple, the keys of images, the paths of the tree
Enter the noble warrior-mage archetype
Open-minded presence is required in the battles of subtle influence
The world is mostly helplessly beyond us but the clans and tribes not
The wise ones know how to slay the emotional poisons that bear suffering

Listen, reflect, and walk the path
All is nature and all of nature is the guru
We are the gods, we are the lords of karma
Consensual reality is collective hallucination
I am a seeker of truth, but also a liar, a feigner, a trickster

The vanquisher of foes is a maker widows and woes
Noble mandates can only come from noble sources
Authentic courage is mindful and detached, yet not without considerations of the afflicted
For success can only be measured against failure and this is the lingo of games
Death is the loss of life, a failure of the urge to immortality in the flesh

When the dust of illusion settles there is always equanimity,
Spontaneity unbiased
The human of truth, the authentic human, Homo veritas
But also this Homo empathicus for empathy is ever a companion of truth
Thus may the Ba bird fly

Sweet words and bitter words mingle in and out of season
The world responds to the sun
Our mistress is the bodyless sky
Perhaps we can learn and refine in Enjoyment Body Fields
Better to go with the winds of the needs of the deluded, than with the winds of grip habit
Heal the lady, Minnewanna, the Goddess of Confusion
   and wonder about other word-spirits from hypnopompia like Volo Dusoma

War king, Wisdom king, New king
Terrifying with sharp beak and talons
Unlucky predator enthroned
Lurker of fields and clearings, driven by hunger
Are king’s vices, the virtues of subjects?
Harsh words keep out the riff-raff
But words are just words, none holier than another
BA of RA HAD BA of RA  

Each mythos is our own though there may be various universal patterns
In the company of metal smiths, purveyors of culture
And word smiths, purveyors of ideals
Manipulative words run through

Course of Action requires decision and the Will of implementation
What to Do is not easy, How to Do is not easy
But effortless naturalness is the being of doing

The Great Work is Magick, conforming with Natural Will
The Noble Intention is Love
Carried under the banner of Wisely Contemplated Willful Action
Every act is a magickal act

Nuit Hadit Ra Hoor Khuit
Nuit Hadit Ra Hoor Khuit
Nuit Hadit Ra Hoor Khuit

This Forest From this Seed, This Infinity from this point

This Forest from this Seed, This Infinity from this Point

Singularity, Big Bang
There is going
From center to edge of the known and beyond
Bent space makes a sphere
Center and circumference divide and unite in cycles of mega aeons
Brahma’s breath

The apparent stream of consciousness and time is a collection of instants
Continuity is an illusion of nows, yet there is ever only one now

Tend the hearth. Tend the seedlings. Remember the center. Be in Balance.
The balanced wheel wobbles not

Habit is a seed planted and cultivated.
The gates to the vast and profound paths can be entered through this cultivation

The priest of winged universe employs the sphinx-pillars yin and yang to whirl him along
   through the power of dualistic contrast
His domain is fenced as a warrior’s fortress

Phallic fire snake, vehicle of maya, but also of union with the infinite
As well the purveyor of life, the future, and the race
The Going Horus, the Outer Clitoris, abiding at the helm
Contrast seeking balance is the formula for motion
Thus move the winds

We are the Lord of the Aeon, flying up to receive blessing-kisses from the Lady of Space

The Sun is our center, our warmth, our light, our animator
The Heart is the center of the come and go of blood flow
The Need-fire Flame in the Hearth is the center of the family
The wild and risen serpent in the hearth, mad to strike, appears and inspires fear
Wake up alertness and intricate mindful action
The precision of skill requires the harnessing of fire

When Starfire is exhausted, so dies the Star

The winged one is the Fravashi Guardian wearing the rays of the sun
The Peaceful Warrior, the Drala-spirit bearing exquisite weaponry
Here he cuts through delusion as he cuts through space
Armed and enabled with awakening hero powers
Knowledge of the Means and the Habit of Concern are his wings
Spontaneous Love continually regenerates and the Vow of Protection is his Charge
Long may he Spin

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Courting My Star Goddess

Courting My Star Goddess

Oh Priestess of the Silver Star, Allow me to enter the gates of the sky
Offer me the wings to ascend beyond the earth’s pull of ego concerns
She, the arched yogini of the starry blue calls me hither to her

Mother of the Sun, the son concealed in your body, the night, by night
Open my eyes to the blue and gold
Our joys and ecstasies inseparably entwined

The sparks in the void are your speckled body
They shine and twinkle in our eyes beyond time
The milky road of the Swan of the north beckons us to imagine our starry ascension

A mythic motif among many, one as good as another, explore, explore
Great Mother of the Womb of Space, I offer you the sweet perfumed smoke of mind
Here she hovers over us as the sky, hiding her children
But space within is as space without, containers merely conceal
Boundlessness is your domainless domain
Ungraspable Mother of Wisdom, Perfection beyond Concept
Birther of Awakened Ones,
Akasha, Matrix of Knowing

I seek the repose and rejuvenation of your kisses, in dreams and visions
So that when I re-anchor to earthbound service, a sanctuary can be known
The sanctuary of your body of darkness and light is aid I seek
   to help me hold aspirations of rescue of the stricken

Our star sisters and brothers wander in confusion and self-destruction
May we see clearly, beyond the reach of compelling unsavory ignorance

All myths and gods are flexible so compliance to models is not so dire
Such compliance enslaves beings

Hearing the erotic summons of the Star Goddess I chase the lover, infinity-mind
Rapture of the senses be a happy and easy joy without obsession
Accompany me now and then, here and there oh rapt one of infinite space
Cure the pangs, longings, phobias, distractions, and afflictions of romance and lust

Let there be a clear path to the will of awakened mind
I aspire to put on the wings of Freedom and Method
The Samadhi of your embrace I seek as a base
To you To you

The sky and the ground, the vast and profound
Reversal of poles, Geb and Nut
The tree of Geb reaches for the vaultless vault
Her circumference hidden in her womb, infinite space
Your inner ring, clitoris
Embracer of the weapon-tool of Horus

The dead and the dying, the despaired and deluded
They call out for help to an empty universe
We have only thought, word, and deed to offer, and that obliquely
Refine this ability

The godless, lawless blackness of unbounded space tells me that all scripts
   are hopes and coaxing lies, fixes for the moment

I will not be ruled by words or confined to scripts and dogmas
There is no law that cannot be bent and broken

I am of the outcaste and seek not the approval of the orthodoxy
Despised, ignored, and dismissed, a hidden smirk adorns me
I court ye on my own terms as lovers do
No zealots relying on words can catch us
We are free and on the run from the enforcers of dogma

The blackfaced jackal wears the scent of death
Banished to the desert far from the rich river oasis
The old one of the serpent mother lives within in the cool caves below
I love you with light and I love you with darkness
For you are for me a symbol of the refined nature of all,
    the unborn, unceasing nature of mind.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Moonstruck Seedlings and Warbly Belly Dancing into the Light

Moonstruck Seedlings and Warbly Belly Dancing into the Light

Churchyard adorned with slain and risen god
Looks like Johnny Scarecrow
Guarding fields of souls and seeds
Osiris of the Underworld Grain

The Peace of April lingers as birth and death roll along
Our petty concerns are just that

Scarlet Lady flows within, bitter and sweet, harsh and tender
Green fields and slopes keep the cows nose down
Cats lounge and stretch in the friendly sun
Starling clouds follow the rivers in search of a roost for the night
The Lotus Wheel is tumbling along

Domestication and even protection is Change
Defying nature is still nature
We social creatures harness the forces around us for the herd-tribe-hive-colony
We collect sun and rain and wind and the refuge of rocks and earth

Air goes in and out from birth to death and the mind follows along
Always moving

Water droplets travel within and around the world in many ways
All this water is the same water
But sometimes trapped here or there for hundreds of millions of years

Sometimes it is better to be cast off into the deep nothing

The Aspiration feeds the Quest
Undoing the tangled knots of delusion in moments of meaningful mind
Oh yeah back to that

The search for theme or coherence or some features to embrace is just as foolish as this
Cyphers are spirit energies, we made them thus
We spin them out and gather them in
Passing them among us in a dance of mental pollination
Delight and repugnance flitter in daring steps of attraction and repulsion
It is the dance of desire and fear entwined
The body-mind spitting out neurochems and the bigger mind wondering about
   the absurdity of it all.

As I roll along my wheel, the sun sets behind me in a world that seems real

Even the past and the future are only available in the Now

If we chase what is not there how can we hope to catch it?