Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Bandits at the Crossroads

Bandits at the Crossroads

Beware the banes of nature
Survival and need are afoot
Hunger and desperation linger
The delicate struggle continues

Mother's unruly children rove
Joy and destruction commingle

Take your fill of folly oh bandits
Taste of karma bitter and sweet
And remember consequences
Whether a robbery or a banquet
It matters not and laughter will have the day

Wisdom sees beyond the moment's afflictive coating

But as for Now I sing the following:

Thirst and dust haunt the land
Cricket-song cloaks the night
 In sonic symphonic web impenetrable
The wave of the rising sun-year hath crested
And the smile of desolate sadness appears
The long day tires and the sun wheel winks

Incessant worshippers of beauty and talent wallow in longing for self

But self is everywhere
Bound space is no different from space ungathered
Solitude and silence welcome mindfulness of breathing
Dark ale dakini supports the meditator
Drums call future sunset birdsong
The tree limbs circle above and spirits
 watch and listen in the spaces betwixt  the leaves

Glorious yesterdays are dim memories like dust about to be scattered in the wind

Lives come and go and legacies linger and wait for the kindness of kindred

Children wander unguided
Each thrust of will is parried by the business of the moment

Snapshots of glory are grand illusions
Seek not Vanity and Mirrors
Flowers catch the eye and the bell of longing rings

One day the sage proclaimed:

"No longer will I seek the builder of this house."

Ah to give up hope and smile at the freshness of the moment
A great burden is lifted yet was never there

Yesterday's habits scheme tomorrow's reprisals

Only a Fool can Enter this Temple of Change

Reaction to circumstances is all we seem to know

Relax and Be Aware

Oh Ye Brothers and Sisters

Let us Enjoy this Dream

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