Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Sickle Moon Fading

Sickle Moon Fading

Here at a Lonely Crossroads Inn
The quiet beyond sunset settles in
Wandering and wondering beyond and within
  all manner of kin

Wrinkled mothers of time laugh without end
For this is our fate this body death ruin
Her crescent will behead us yet

Loneliness, my companion, shows me her wonders
She scents the vistas with burning human flesh

Evenness calls to me if I could but listen through the 
  hazy noise of habitual chasing and fleeing

Perhaps we will one day weary of the charms of ego
  and turn away from the glory of lightning

Carried away by storms unforeseen we go again to begin
Yet another new quest dawns and we shoot a covetous
  glance at the sexy demon called hope
But we lose the perfection of the moment while scheming
  our future glory
Cabals and clans weakly flicker and duties all but devour

Drikug Mother calls for my head
First give up wistful daydreams of craving
Then part with designs of glory
Do away with gold and ridicule
Dharmas of the world begone
Let raucous laughter ring out throughout the deep
  and the dark of dismal abysmal abode of headless wanderers.

May the hook and the noose and the iron chain and offerings find the conquerers
   and in turn and in time vast may they return the banquet of enjoyment.

Sweet summer drifting away day by day by day

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Whole Grain Moon Seeds

Whole Grain Moon Seeds

Festivals of Ripening shimmer with memories yet dimmer
   of ethnic tribal pasts of long agos now faint glows
Even now she shares the sky with fire flowers
And fierce booms that stir hormonal awakeness

She shines accessible unlike hidden gods
She and the stars beyond caress us with their speeding light
Bending space and time with wondrous illusions
And rocking our bodies to and fro with ebb and flow
   of thunderous intrusions

Crops rise and fall like waves and we are ever of the earth
In food and waste and in many manners interfaced

The moon prince glows above us as we long for those to love us and wander
   where custom and courage carry us                         Yet longing for yonder

Fiber is strength in strands and moves earth and lands

Thoughts in words empower then devour
An inside outside wave particle chase ensues
And bees are all abuzz in the business of the blues of booze

So Flow is good and there is Running Through
Yoga of lure and pranic package to dissipate
    stale deposit and blockage, for chi best not hesitate

Seeds grow within and give of their store
And seeds too sprout in fertile minds
Cultivate helpful kindness heartfelt and mindful
Smile soft and gentle
This antidotes the jaded resentment of circumstances

Cracked and rolled and husked and mashed, pestled, and shook free
Flour power makes warm textured bread, the roughage of earth
Body of the Mother, Ground Matrix of Being

Thunder God roars and shakes the sky and blesses our gravity mom
   with his seed which she drinks through her pores

Man settled amongst your charms in the land of the
  Fertile Crescent
You oh moonseed are the mother of cities
Purveyor of both disease and immunity
Grandmother of trade and writing
Your protein made rest of our roaming
And so we came to view the world in a new way
And for this we changed internally
New gods were born in our inner space

This grain god rose and fell
He entered the underworld and rose into the sun
He entered into humans and returned yet to the earth
Rising into light and falling into darkness
There is the restlessness of change
Implicate and Explicate orders intertwined
Amidst the chaos that rebalances into more refined

Seeds appear and seeds fall and seeds sink and transform
  yet again in cycles that vary.
Called by moontides and water drops
Making pacts with the moist black earth and sun fire
Our seeds of mind are our abilities to aspire
To aspire to Big Mind and Big Love
Dwell in the Four Abodes where self and other become
  lost without measure and there is Complete Integration

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Lonely For Meaning

Lonely for Meaning

Regret and Sorrow make their dismal appearances and confused mind flits about
Same old games of predator and prey
Bark and Growl, Snarl and Bite
Frown and Fright and Drown in Angry Words

Can’t teach fools and can’t give to those who won’t take
Attack and defend, break and mend
And what has become of this trend?

Longing for a comrade – a companion explorer
Weary of games and primacy of conflict
Musician inundated with the sharp pangs of disharmony
Pointless wounding dance

Weary of defending
Longing for Quiet and ruleless Freedom
Words yield only the weapon words of disagreement

This is my dismal story
There is truly no hint of glory
In fact it is yucky and gory

I guess I am not loved or enjoyed
Living here in fear or annoyed
But as they say All is Void
So who knows, maybe some antidote can be employed

I am just weary of trying to find ways through this seemingly impenetrable maze
That seems to fill my daze as I gaze into the haze of hope and the optimystic craze

How to deal with the next episode which will surely come soon is the question I ponder
I wonder if I can someday somehow find a way to cope with the scope of tomorrow
All her traps are set, all her deflections in place
Headlong into the death of another day do I wander and stray
For what else is there here? I fear that is all so what should I do till I die? I don’t know.
I guess I will just learn to enjoy this loneliness.

Scattered Ponderings

Scattered Ponderings

Such beauty unknown, unseen, abandoned, ignored, uncared for
The perfection of every moment escapes our obscured awareness

Minds full of potions and bodies hidden with lotions
By the very picture we’ve painted is our basic nature tainted
As we practice the refrainment and aspire to the attainment
   of being beyond the mind of entertainment
All we can do is be a companion to whatever appears
Bound by Saturn into every well strewn pattern
Inspired awry by Jupiter we become stupider
Wooed by the weary wars of fickle and fiery Mars
Reminded and tugged by vagina and penis, we ever do homage to Venus
Lured by the exotic haunt of tune we chase the illusory Moon
By hookery and crookery we mimic the godspeed of Mercury
By the promise of and the longing for – fun - we honor the powerful Sun

So what is this I gander and gather? Merely soap to lather
   as we slip and slither our way through the periods of night and day
Let us pierce the silence if we can and rend the veil of ignorance
Waste is prevalent
Waste of resources
Waste of lifetimes
Vast unhelpfulness of unshared visions isolates us in foreign lands
Yet, we are connected by a Net
And so for this, All is a kiss
For affection seeks connection
Interface of time and space is the Play of motion
E-motion connects us on this net

Blessing and curse is the poet’s bane of restless craving and grasping for word strings
Garlands of symbols strewn about the mind stream
Contemplation spritzes the mindstream with flow
The habit of contemplation replaces other habits
Ponder here, hither, and yonder
Watchful rest beyond time’s chains of constant change reveals that hidden
   by the motion of restless confusion
As the sediment settles there is clarity
After many lifetimes of false awakenings we will one day Wake Up irreversible

Sunday, August 7, 2011



In the afterglow of ecstasy comes realization of impermanence and change
The urge to chase the joy of the past grows in those unaccustomed
Antidotes to antidotes to antidotes is the alchemy of balance
Adapting to changing conditions we follow the world

To see glory and bliss as the goal is to chase eternity atop the crest of a wave
With body there is time and with time there is change

Memories of blissful crests may haunt us with longings
Or taunt us with songings
One day gates may admit us to vaster realms of calm stability
But then the gates may fade never to reappear
What use is it to cry out for entry?
The poet’s yoga with words' ways plays

What then if the mystical secrets fail to charm us with possibility?
Is it all a bore? Is there nothing more?
Beyond the grunt and roar is the peaceful laughter of energetic restfulness
Bliss and pain remain
   and the waves of the main rage wild and lame for the captain-sages to tame
For balanced mind equalizes differences with sameness
The moments leading up, and the aftermath
   emphasize the contrast of rising, abiding, and falling, but all is moving with time
We seek to abide yet we are always besot with rising and falling
Only mind can escape time
Once brightened now faded, once new and untried now callused and jaded
But under the browning mushy skin of rot there is freshness yet
And Freshness beyond time and body and change
   is that worth preserving by giving up resistance, to these

At the end comes the beginning and so the weary traveler smiles and is fresh again

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Bandits at the Crossroads

Bandits at the Crossroads

Beware the banes of nature
Survival and need are afoot
Hunger and desperation linger
The delicate struggle continues

Mother's unruly children rove
Joy and destruction commingle

Take your fill of folly oh bandits
Taste of karma bitter and sweet
And remember consequences
Whether a robbery or a banquet
It matters not and laughter will have the day

Wisdom sees beyond the moment's afflictive coating

But as for Now I sing the following:

Thirst and dust haunt the land
Cricket-song cloaks the night
 In sonic symphonic web impenetrable
The wave of the rising sun-year hath crested
And the smile of desolate sadness appears
The long day tires and the sun wheel winks

Incessant worshippers of beauty and talent wallow in longing for self

But self is everywhere
Bound space is no different from space ungathered
Solitude and silence welcome mindfulness of breathing
Dark ale dakini supports the meditator
Drums call future sunset birdsong
The tree limbs circle above and spirits
 watch and listen in the spaces betwixt  the leaves

Glorious yesterdays are dim memories like dust about to be scattered in the wind

Lives come and go and legacies linger and wait for the kindness of kindred

Children wander unguided
Each thrust of will is parried by the business of the moment

Snapshots of glory are grand illusions
Seek not Vanity and Mirrors
Flowers catch the eye and the bell of longing rings

One day the sage proclaimed:

"No longer will I seek the builder of this house."

Ah to give up hope and smile at the freshness of the moment
A great burden is lifted yet was never there

Yesterday's habits scheme tomorrow's reprisals

Only a Fool can Enter this Temple of Change

Reaction to circumstances is all we seem to know

Relax and Be Aware

Oh Ye Brothers and Sisters

Let us Enjoy this Dream

Monday, August 1, 2011

Heroes Unknown and Lost Songs Lamented

Heroes Unknown and Lost Songs Lamented

These are the noblest    These who eschew praise and the hero’s portion
These who know the silence beyond the silence

Desire is a fickle mistress, following the fancies of the moment
Today’s rising tide is tomorrow’s forgotten triumph
Envy is the origin of plots and tragedy takes root and sprouts
Pride is the bane of glory
Anger is reckless in battle
Ignorance births a thousand roving dangerous bandits

Songs and sagas of deeds rise and fall like waves in time
The stories of gods and kings in the memories of their subjects support the kingdom

Unsung beings dwell everywhere
The mother caring for her child
The man keeping to his unpleasant work
Those who do what they can for others and wish for more
Those who are the mother of them other
Mahamahama, Great Grand Mother, Mother of Them Other

Praise and Blame are symptoms of the world illness
For fame and for gold is the call of the explorers
The gold of wisdom outshines wealth
And the fame of sincere friendship outshines the fame of memory

Heroes of old said that their names would be remembered forever
But names are mere names and even so they will fade eventually
Deeds of non-deluded friendship resound throughout eternity
And ride on the subtle mind through lives to come and go

Hero of Awakening
Allow us into your hidden realms where methods of skill go and Wise Mind dwells

Whole worlds and their children need us now
To lure them from dangerous delusion

May clarity of purpose and vigilance of duty reign