Thursday, June 2, 2011

Burning Summer Sun

Burning Summer Sun

Blinded By the Light and Scorched By the Heat
The Mighty Sun Devours its Prey by the Fire of its Rays
Waves of Flame Bring Thirst and the Weary seek Refuge in Tree and Shadow
Longing for the Illusions of Contrast and Definition we split the Brothers
   and call them Light and Shadow, Order and Chaos
Self seeks Refuge in Other in the Illusion of Love
Always Moving is Light and Shadow
Reference and Preference pull and push the weary minds of travelers

It is called the Suffering of Change – this constant adjustment to prevailing conditions
The Universe Goes and so too must we Adjust
Beyond this burning is the Blackness
Colorless Horizonless Continuity
Suffering is Illusion and Strangely Too so is Change
I wonder if this is true, Perhaps I will never know
We seek Perfection and Orderly Pattern while Abandoning the Petty and the Random
Effort reveals the need for Ease and the Balance of Each in the Quest for the Real
Perhaps we Navigate through a Narrow and Dangerous Gateland to Knowing of Not Two
Point and Counterpoint Contend in the Eternal Lust War of Duality
Our Folly is our Teacher Ever Revealing Our Wondrous Faults and Frivolous Fantasies
Our Envy and Belittlement are cause for celebration
Our Pride and Self-Importance are laughable as well
Seeking Even Mind in an Uneven Universe

Friendliness Compassion Joy and Equanimity
Four Doors to Infinite Palace Realm
In Theory and Practice do we wander through our weary lives
Surrounded by Strangers of Different Mind Type
We Praise this and Blame that and scan behind and ahead
While the Coach to Wisdom sits in plain view with fresh horses and no occupants
But our Anxiety Mind hides opportunity and we waste time in seeking happiness
This seeking is the source of woe and the exalted self is the source of fear

We are all Masters of Wisdom Exalted and United as Mindstream Goddessness
This writ of Concept that I word feign is False Wisdom
All we can hope for here is Concordance with the Ineffable
Puzzling Symbol Keys together finding the hope that pulls and the fear that pushes
The Seeker Knows Not
These runes are as probing tool, a recon mission into possibilities of meaning
Quite limited are words yet they can awaken and inspire

There is a Marsh in the Desert and a Desert amidst the Marsh
What seems far away is always close
Our Readiness for Transformation is Paramount
Remember that Whatever Appears is OK and that all situations offer possibilities
Consider those who can be aided

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