Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Highland Valley Hogback Moon

Highland Valley Hog Back Moon

The Calm before Sunset
The grey-red-white of deep cloudlets appears on sky blue pallet
Birdsong of Longing and of Families Assembled
The Cool of the Day
Old Hindu women in colorful garb take an evening stroll
A moment of contemplation amidst the hectic frenzy of task

Soon enough to drift and fall away into daily death and dream
Tomorrow comes the Dawn
I remember a summer long ago
Awakened by a birdsong and I’m off to greet the sun
The morning dew and sunshine embracing at my feet
Hail the Mighty Ra
Who soars the heavens high
Hail Unto Thee who Art the Sun Boat Wheel Stations of Force and Fire
Above and Below

‘Tis the Time of High Summer and the High Pastures are Ripe with Forage
Diana and Her Nymphs lead the Dance of Sprites and Selene Rides the Sky
The soft hogback grass is inviting
Snapshot thoughts only seem to capture moments uncapturable
Goddess of the Chase, of Nature, and of Grace
Show us your glowing and tender Face
Let us bask in your beauty while we tend to our duty
May we dream rapture in worlds unrapturable

Words flow from me and yet words maim me in my delusion-tainted reality
Harsh and weary and Weary and harsh
I Wish I could Wander Beyond this Habit Land

Stubborn Old Dogs are We, Lamenting we Know not What
Old Age, Sickness, and Death lie ahead
For that is what Follows Birth

All Great Vibrant Life will Soon be the Past Plowed Under
Circle Cycle Rises and Falls and Gives and Takes

Phantasms of healing lovers and glorious banquets
Triumphant facades built up to hide the wild weeds, the staple seeds of samsara
The freshness of frustration baffles as a seemingly insurmountable maiden of struggle
But wait! It is OK to relax and wander off from the bitter battlefield game
May the living be joyous and not full of pain and fear
May they know bliss and be even of mind
Now I must go and hope I have not failed them for cycles ne’er sleep
May memory and vigilance be my companions evermore

Monday, June 6, 2011

Teachings of Menri Trizin

Teachings of Menri Trizin

Know history, Know relationships
Track lineages, broken and unbroken
Consider legend and alternate explanations
Tonpa Shenrab is Buddha of Body, Buddha Number Nine
Shakyamuni is Buddha of Speech
Three paths beckon:
Renunciation, Transformation, and Self-Liberation
Sutra, Tantra, and Dzogchen

Who is meditating?
Who is searching for mind?
Unfindable yet Clear, Emptiness and Clarity inseparable
Notice this and Dwell in this Continuum
This is Innate Awareness, Rigpa, the Home of Undivided Mind

The mind of preference is divided, liking this and not liking that
This is judgment, which requires the scales of duality
Dwell without chasing the past and future
Thoughts need not be followed
Mindful Spontaneous Presence is open and boundless
Our habit hides our true nature
Compassion is the Center of Dharma
Spontaneous Compassion is Non-judgmental
There is no ego self to please or protect
There is only Other to bring to understanding
Therefore, Become a Buddha
Awaken the Heart of Compassion

Triads and Pentads of Health and Harmony of Being

Triads and Pentads of Health and Harmony of Being

Beyond illusions of the numberless, the universe, and contrast come those of multiplicity
Three or five components in variable proportions and in variable relationships
Three is the concise form
Five is the expanded form
The pentagram has five triangles
Two, three, and five are the first of the prime numbers
The Queen and the Priest

The three energy principles of matter range in subtlety from inert to active life
The three humors of the body are special combinations of the five elements
The three and the five flow as wheels with the seasons
The Circle of Fifths and the Five Tone Form inform music form and transfer
Three Gates and Five Wisdoms
Poisons Five and Three – expanded and concise
Perhaps the Triangle is Shorthand for the Pentagram
Pentagram Banishes as does the Triangle of the Art
Venus and Mars have their secrets as well

Diet, Exercise, and Sleep are the foundations of health that we can influence
Genetics and Karma are less readily amenable
Eat proper foods, in moderation, and in season and drink water and take correct herbs
Sleep enough and deeply in a dark room and rise from light sleep phase and take light
Workout playfully and mindfully and often paying attention to Chi and form
Discover your dominant dosha and plan accordingly

Explore your relationship with the elements and the afflicting emotions
Do the rites of feeding demons and consorting with them as allies
Aspire to realize the five enlightened awarenesses
Knowing that Mindfulness is the Key



Hail Ye Goddess of the Future
Guard us delicate mutant babes as we slither the narrow passages

Arms outstretched Ye arise to continually embrace destiny
Arise Chthonic from cracks in the Earth
Arise as golden rainbow sun beauty from the sea foam
Arise standing onto the backs of lions as victory and awe
Arise boundless and bondless from the chains of confused demonic cultural patterns
Ye bender of rules and stretcher of taboo mind
As woman unfettered arise even from the hearts of men
Arise as daughter, mother, and old lady – feisty and fiery and furiously fair

Dark Crescent Circle Crescent Dark
Symbiotic symmetrical symbolic simulations
The Sine Wave of Nature adorns our analytic minds
Above and Below, Reflection joins Reflection and there is Infinity
This is the pattern of Dance, of Motion, of Erotic Energy
Mating serpents encode our forms
Paths of Return and Liberation call her to arise
Pan and Pandora and Pan-Gaia bestow the gifts of Eros Medicine
In calm focus we rest in the satiation of past and future dissolved into Now
Vessel and Contents display endless interaction
Container and Contained Play
Such is Love and the Nature of all Rising and Falling
Wave Hello Wave Goodbye and let Motion marry Stillness
And the cartoon of contrast spins tales of Unfindable Clarity
Know This me loves

Integration of the Original and the Traditional

Integration of the Original and the Traditional

Be wise, Be bold
Skillfully blend the new and the old
Create, Uphold
Implicate Explicate, devour and unfold

The future is always unknown
The past is always gone

To wear the cloak of familiar pattern is a known road
The fashion dare and the comfort dare tread to the beyond

Lineages of discovery kept alive and remembered in various ways
Chasing of the Clever Now and Insightful Ideas Await

Catharsis and Healing takes many forms according to the many factors
Medicine Land has no boundaries

Pulled along By its Crook and Flailed Into its Shape
Upon it as a Tool we Look as we Dance at its Wake

Trademark Bindrune Dance and Rhythm of New Recognition
Drop the Dross, Align with the Harmony Law Wheel
Adapt to time and place and world pattern

Strands of then and now and tomorrow woven in braids of time
Crossroad Norns welcome all travelers and bid them glimpses
All around the Gnarled Old Tree the moist mossy earth scents the shadowy mirror
Days and Nights Come and Go and Lives and Species Unknown pass into obscurity

Time is Three and so too the Road

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Burning Summer Sun

Burning Summer Sun

Blinded By the Light and Scorched By the Heat
The Mighty Sun Devours its Prey by the Fire of its Rays
Waves of Flame Bring Thirst and the Weary seek Refuge in Tree and Shadow
Longing for the Illusions of Contrast and Definition we split the Brothers
   and call them Light and Shadow, Order and Chaos
Self seeks Refuge in Other in the Illusion of Love
Always Moving is Light and Shadow
Reference and Preference pull and push the weary minds of travelers

It is called the Suffering of Change – this constant adjustment to prevailing conditions
The Universe Goes and so too must we Adjust
Beyond this burning is the Blackness
Colorless Horizonless Continuity
Suffering is Illusion and Strangely Too so is Change
I wonder if this is true, Perhaps I will never know
We seek Perfection and Orderly Pattern while Abandoning the Petty and the Random
Effort reveals the need for Ease and the Balance of Each in the Quest for the Real
Perhaps we Navigate through a Narrow and Dangerous Gateland to Knowing of Not Two
Point and Counterpoint Contend in the Eternal Lust War of Duality
Our Folly is our Teacher Ever Revealing Our Wondrous Faults and Frivolous Fantasies
Our Envy and Belittlement are cause for celebration
Our Pride and Self-Importance are laughable as well
Seeking Even Mind in an Uneven Universe

Friendliness Compassion Joy and Equanimity
Four Doors to Infinite Palace Realm
In Theory and Practice do we wander through our weary lives
Surrounded by Strangers of Different Mind Type
We Praise this and Blame that and scan behind and ahead
While the Coach to Wisdom sits in plain view with fresh horses and no occupants
But our Anxiety Mind hides opportunity and we waste time in seeking happiness
This seeking is the source of woe and the exalted self is the source of fear

We are all Masters of Wisdom Exalted and United as Mindstream Goddessness
This writ of Concept that I word feign is False Wisdom
All we can hope for here is Concordance with the Ineffable
Puzzling Symbol Keys together finding the hope that pulls and the fear that pushes
The Seeker Knows Not
These runes are as probing tool, a recon mission into possibilities of meaning
Quite limited are words yet they can awaken and inspire

There is a Marsh in the Desert and a Desert amidst the Marsh
What seems far away is always close
Our Readiness for Transformation is Paramount
Remember that Whatever Appears is OK and that all situations offer possibilities
Consider those who can be aided

Six Nine Six

Six Nine Six

Six Nine Six
Honeycomb Cauldron 
Honeymoon Dew Honeydew Moon
Hive Mind Wonderings
Mystery migrates through time
The Cauldron of Transformation carries the elixir of future children
From the soma that opens mind doors
To the blood of gods slain and arisen
To the cocktail for the Lord and Lady of Lust
And on and on Aha Ananda
Sweet Honesty
Elixirs of Health Balance the Body Alchemical Womb Furnace
Geometrical Forms dance as stable molecular entities
Symbol Current Meaning Info Flow
Yin Yang Yin
Yang Yin Yang
Hexagram DNA
Chromosomal pairs and permutations of possibility
Chance and the Analytical Mind
Code and Seed Knowledge Awakened Pattern
Call the Simorgh to Heal the Earth
Weigh the Heart of Attentive Intention
Had Flame Pollen Lappers
Infinity, Sine Wave Snakes Mating Double Helix
A Structure to Join, Hearth Coven Hive
Nothing Better to do for a Lazy Restless Yogi
Satyagriha, the Force of Truth, for Truth is only a force, an energy that fluctuates
Janus-Faced Wave Particle Reality at Gates to Non-Dual Dwelling
Two Rivers flowing in opposite directions
Leap through the spinning swords to spirit realms and become Other
Destroyers of Illusions know space as wisdom
Hivetribe health and Sanity supported by the collectors and
   distributors of vitamin medicine and vitamin pleasure
Delicate Balance upheld with stealth and skill
Bend and Whirl mastering the Mind of Scales
Be adorned with Stillness in the Maelstrom of Animation
Dance the Masks of Paths
Reveal Serpent Journeys of Return
Knowledge and Influence of Deep Future and Mythic Species Mind
Game Boards Beyond
Questing Children Go along the Paths of Change
For Tomorrow and For All