Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Hidden and the Forgotten

The Hidden and the Forgotten

Eggs and Seeds Hidden in the earth   Swelling toward the Hatch
The door of transformation unfolds into the soft bright morning
Yawn Stretch of a million year sleep

No wonder I dreamed the corridors of body and consciousness
You were chasing me but I thought I was chasing you
What a difference one’s State of Mind makes

Symbol-wishes and seed rows hidden skillfully and forgotten
Rise to feed us with bounty and color

Ground down and crushed in the cruel mortar and pestle of craving
I curse ye oh reverie, rhyme, and meter
   and your inkling promises of meaning and transcendence
But I laugh in my quiet heart, when I can find it amidst the roaring want

I confess folly and predictable vices in my quest for a little honesty
What was he like when he lived?
He scans the surface of the desert looking for pools of water
He tries to quench his thirst with brine
The jewel-woman-song-kingdom-event eludes the false now that chases her

Open here the heroic moment with the laughter of unconfinement
Alas no chains of desire tug on our wanderings
Not even the terror of freedom
Calm and Bliss, the innermost shell underneath bodies of delusion
Awakened Comfort of Equanimity
Keep us focused on the work at hand as dwellers beyond worlds
   and bearers of the light of concern for thou breathing brothers
No forked-tongued demons to block the way 

Astrological opportunities come and go
Cosmic Order waits patiently for us to ride the resonant waves
But phase is only real in the world of function
Awareness can warp the continuum of the cosmos
Or so I seem to suspect

The deep elegance of the perfect car is alive to carry us along our unceasing duty
Four seats without boundary has this infinite chariot of space
All is possible, even among fools weighted down with custom in the dense realm
Or so I seem to suspect

Conviction in her exquisiteness, her boundarylessness, our refined custom of rescue
Ever flow the Milk of the Lady of Transcendent Knowing

Monday, April 18, 2011

Wave Particles of Mind

Wave Particles of Mind

Emotion motion ocean    Rising and falling in Waves   Hunger Eat   Day and Night
Trick of the Light

Forever and Never    Rise and Fall Together
Tweak Fate Resonate   In Phase
To abandon the random is the seek the weak no more
The statistical mystical jumble fumble of words expelled like turds

Flow to meaning   Go to ground   Comfort home in aimless roam
Body time in rhythm rhyme

See how the words fall in sign in sign combine
Mouth cups fillable in syllable
And the Grand Slam of Logogram
Runes boons and bind-runes
Sigils and staves  Declared and Hidden in rants and raves
Aeons and Pee-ons

Clear the channels within the panels that dwell under the shell
Clear the chords with the mantra words
By gesture, sign, and sound
May fluid flow and druid show abound

By tiks and very ancient clicks – old school point and click
-- was knowledged passed and co-ops hashed

SGL LGS Sigil Logos Gram Marg (path)
A room full of seagulls

Game face    anomaly chase
Seekers and peekers pierce the skin that hides the unknown

Flip flop hip hop rap crap tally ho chap

Old Rotty and Moldy Coffee

Old Rotty and Moldy Coffee

Ha, many days abandoned, the stinky sludge starts to set in
Rigor mortis is not far off at present trajectories
A good ride perhaps
But repeated attempts to defibrillate a failing heart will end in failure eventually
Ah so it goes. I have seen it many times
Folk fail to take care of the heart of the circle and the heart gives
The heart is the center of the circle and the responsibility of all not just a few
Each has a part on the circle to give and take from the heart center
When more come it dilutes the effect of others and needs more input from all around
Lest it become unbalanced
Lack of balance is lack of health and vitality and eventually there is death
Plain and simple it is
What say ye, sleeping circle dwellers?
Too many folk putting up signs that lead nowhere
Such subterfuge is ineffective magick
Weak and lazy mages feign beginner’s mind
Pick up your litter and off with you
Folk are flaky, inconsistent, and unreliable
Ah so it goes. I have seen it many times.
Go back then to feeding yer old decaying monsters
Begone ye laggards
Should have chased ye off long ago from my weary mind filled with silly hopes
Ha, neat ole abandoned shack though
Another beauty ravaged by time
All composite things are impermanent or so I am told
So let us seek the uncreated state untainted by creator gods
I got busy and my coffee got cold and old and rotty and moldy
And so did you and I in the hands of time
I find myself longing for pleasant surprises that rarely come
Timeless Awareness is her name – She without attributes
Adorned only with Great Seal
I sing her praises from afar
Alas that is all I can do for now
To Aspire
This is the Wish of Magick
But alas I am patient and so I will wait for an opportunity to strike to the heart of matters
Peace Out

New Angle (A Call to Yu)

New Angle

Yu the Happy Miner    Oh where have ye gone?
Where the land gives it bounty hidden deep below
Request Prayer Sacrifice seek to distract the gods
Oh ye the folk – falling back into war-mongering
Opportunities for the Earth are falling before our eyes

Friends shunning me in disgust? Perhaps just my imagination
Guilt is not my Way, but neither is Ignorance
Pachamamma – show the Way ye Earth-Time-Mother

The Tonic and the Toxic mingle in the Minds of the Concerned and Self-Righteous
The Grass may appear to be Greener over there but Appearance can Deceive
Scrutiny and Complaint may lead to Compliance and Efficiency
But Over-the-Top Hostility and Booby-Trapping bring out the Uglies

Collections of this or that change into projectiles
Skewed science yields flimsy-house views out-of-context
Debunking is a subtle affair, best not left to the shoddy

Grass Roots Fellowship postures like the Hero against those mythical monsters –
  Government and Corporations – all the while savoring the medicines and feeding the
demons. Sending the Group Entities as laden goats into the Wilderness is merely Suicide
The Formula of Friend-or-Foe yields the specter of Grief-and-Woe

Extracting the Essence of Energy is an Ugly Reality that we all feed.
Unregulated and Unaccountable. Unfair – Yet but better now to be ---
More and Better Regulated and with More and Better Accounting
Efficiency is an Upside By-Product
New Technology Development for better and safer Ops is another
Opportunities Abound, if War is subdued and True Collaboration ensues.
But who knows? Many say they do – as those who really do are ignored and mis-trusted
May we all be Yu, the Friend of Earth