Friday, February 18, 2011

Still Waiting for the Dawn

Still Waiting for the Dawn

Cinema associates magick with greed for power
Spiritual Alchemy in its uneventful transformations escapes notice

A life surrounded by strangers, prisoners of culture
A life fading away as no one acts

This desire for social transformation burns a hole in my mind every day
What stench of scum we have become ,
Cowering behind courtesy, trend, and expectation.
Excuses and wasted words
Silence has no power here

Communication is the key to Community ye Oxymorons
Circulate the word-prana

I spy fools in their worried prospering
I offer gems to glow dreams, yet they sparkle unnoticed

Cycles rise and fall, flowers bloom and fade, fruit ripens and rots
We see not the light in the darkness nor the darkness in the light
We are carried along by our habit-feelings in their unidirectional tunnels

Speak wisdom ye fools!  Just so, the wise speak folly
Spark the tune and revel in the waxing madness of the unknown that fills the vista
Offer yourselves to the clan!
Let the heart of family expand
This is the Wooing of Mind Energy

Touch the Center now and then or there will be no Center
The Centers are our points of convergence
Each Center draws a Circle

A sloppy mage is a mage none the less and magick is the means to magick
Come and Touch the Center, Each Center that you have cared to hover around
Your hovering keeps the Center a Center and your Touch strengthens it

Pardon Me Whatever

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